Ways to Help Kids Cope With Climate Anxiety

The other day, my 8-year-old was a captive audience in the van. And I wanted to touch base with him about something that had been on my mind. So, I asked, “Honey, I’m curious, do you ever think about climate change? Is it something you have any feelings about?”

His immediate answer? An emphatic YES. “Oh really?” I said. “Yeah, I have tons of feelings about it.”

Really? Which ones?”

“Well, just one type of feeling…Worry.”

That caught me off guard. I don’t know why it did; everything points to the fact that he should be worried. But as a mom, I wanted to brush this back under the rug. To tell him, “Oh, it’ll all be ok. The grown-ups will fix this. Don’t worry.”

But, therapeutically, this is unhelpful at best, and damaging at worst. He’s allowed to experience whatever feelings he has.

I also know too much to believe that any of what I wanted to say is actually true.

But most importantly, I know he’s not alone.

What Is Climate Anxiety?

It really is just what it sounds like. It’s anxiety, specifically based on concern or worry about the environment and/or climate. You may also hear it called eco-anxiety.

Excessive worry over weather patterns, melting glaciers, extinction, over-population, plastics (and the list goes on) are all examples of climate anxiety. It can become paralyzing for kids, and adults, alike. If your kid is experiencing climate anxiety, and it can spiral into hopelessness and a fairly existential crisis if left unaddressed.

Is Climate Change Actually Causing Anxiety?

The American Psychological Association did release a paper addressing the interplay between mental health and climate change. Essentially, they answered the question, “Is climate change causing anxiety” with a resounding YES.

Although it’s not currently in the DSM-5, which means you can’t get an actual diagnosis,  you can receive climate anxiety counseling.

The good news is that there’s a fine line between overwhelming and paralyzing anxiety about the climate, and a sense of urgency that pushes us into action. When addressing eco-anxiety with our kids, we’re ultimately going to focus on ways to take individual action.

How to Talk To Your Kids About Climate Change

Climate change is a HUGE topic, with lots of moving parts. But personally, teaching my kids about these giant topics and getting to emphasize the parts that I value the most, is one of my favorite parts of parenting!

So, just like with any other large, sometimes challenging concepts (think sex, or religious beliefs) it’s best to go slow, and start with the basics.

Start with a foundation of what nature is, and grow an appreciation for it! Spend time at parks, on walks, or visiting nearby National or State parks. This step cannot be understated. And it should be repeated as often as possible.

And then proceed based on the developmental level of your child. A 4-year-old and 10-year-old are going to be able to think- and process their feelings- about climate change very differently!

If you’re looking for a few books to help explain climate and the environment to kids, here are a (very) few recommendations:

  1. National Parks of the USA by Kate Siber
  2. The Honeybee by Kirsten Hall, illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault
  3. What Is Climate Change by Gail Herman (in the style of the Who/What Was? series)
  4. Not For Me, Please! I Choose To Act Green by Maria Godsey, illustrated by Christopher J Kellner
  5. Who Turned Up the Heat? Eco-Pigs Explain Global Warming by Lisa S. French, illustrated by Barry Gott
  6. A Kid’s Guide to the Green New Deal- How to Save the Planet, (Ebook) by Billy Goodman, illustrated by Paul Meisel

    Hope and Action are the Best Solutions for Climate Anxiety

    I know it can be tough, especially if you’re experiencing eco-anxiety yourself- but try to leave your kid with an actionable step (keep reading for a few ideas), and a little bit of hope. Try to leave the apocalyptic imagery and most of the doom and gloom out of your discussions.

    Finding a balance between urgency is terror is hard. But giving them hope is one of the best ways to avoid climate anxiety or depression, while still raising a kid who cares about the environment.


      [bctt tweet=”Hope and action are the best solutions for climate anxiety.” prompt=”tell a friend”]

      How Kids Can Address Climate Change, by Age Group

      Climate change is a problem too large for any single person- or even country- to solve. Which is the paradox that has led to so much inaction over the decades. Psychology even has a term for this: the bystander effect.

      Effectively, the more bystanders are around, the less likely they are to assist a person (or in this case, an environment) in distress. The thought process is, “Oh, there are plenty of people here. Someone else MUST already be doing something about that. I don’t want to intervene, I’ll just get in the way.”

      And while those thoughts are pretty typical, they’re wildly unhelpful.

      To help combat the bystander effect, and get your kid engaged in protecting the environment, encourage your kid to think about their efforts multiplied by 7.7 billion.

      Action is the number one tool to help kids cope with climate anxiety.

      Actions to Help Kids Cope with Climate Anxiety & Save The Environment- Toddlers and Preschoolers

      For the youngest kids, (toddlers and preschoolers) these are easy introductions that will help to start build a habit. Most of these actions will focus on what they can do around the home, because in the toddler, preschool and even early elementary ages, their world isn’t that big.

      • Plant something. The larger the better. But even an herb will do. A tree is great, but the point at the younger ages is an appreciation of nature.
      • If they like pushing the kid-size carts at the store, have them be in charge of their own reusable bag at the store
      • Teach them to put clean or lightly-worn clothes back in their drawers (thus reducing the amount of laundry to-do)
      • Do a garbage pick-up at a local park
      • Have them be in charge of turning off lights when people leave a room
      • Let them help put winterizing caulk in drafty windows (the stuff that’s like a rope of putty)
      • Teach them to recycle
      • Creative Family Fun has a list of ideas of activities for kids who want to save the Earth

      Actions to Help Kids Cope With Climate Anxiety & Save the Environment- Elementary School

      As kids grow, their world view grows. A 4th grader is much more aware of the world around her, and more capable of interacting with it. While building on the ideas above, these ideas will start including other places in their life (school, etc.) and advocacy.


      • Build a rain barrel. Here are 30 ideas for DIY rain barrels, so one is sure to fit your family’s needs!
      • Start identifying and trying to avoid single-use plastics
      • Build- and use- a compost bin (bringing the compost from the kitchen to the bin every night is a great chore!)
      • Have them help with meal-planning/grocery shopping by choosing a meatless meal (or two!) for dinner this week
      • Help them calculate your family’s carbon footprint with an online tool. Brainstorm ways to reduce it; write down your score or take a screenshot, and then compare it 6 months later to see if your efforts are working.
      • Let them walk, bike, or ride the bus to school at least one more day per week than they already are.
      • Ask their school (or church, etc.) to begin a compost program, or to increase their recycling program.
      • Work on delayed gratification. If we all- including adults- practiced more delayed gratification, we could reduce our impulse consumerism drastically.
      • Explore the idea of receiving experiences, like tickets for an event, as gifts, instead of toys or clothing.
      • Take them to thrift stores to purchase gifts for others. I typically take my kids (who’s budget is $1-$3) to the Dollar Store to buy presents for the brothers during Christmastime. We could go to the thrift store instead and achieve the same goal, AND avoid all the carbon emissions that come with making cheap plastic toys.

      Actions to Help Kids Cope With Climate Anxiety and Save the Environment- Middle and High Schoolers

      These steps are going to continue building on the work you’ve already done, and continue with the theme of expanding the size of the world.

      Honestly, for responsible and thoughtful teenagers, (and preteens!) there are no limits to what they can do, and how many people they can influence. See: Greta Thunberg.

      (Side note: if you don’t understand why your kid is up in arms about climate change and experiencing eco-anxiety, watch Greta Thunberg’s speech to the UN. It’s only 4ish minutes long, and is a powerful indictment against business as usual.)

      There are nearly limitless ideas for ways to get involved for this age-group. We’re only limited by our creativity here! So, I broke down the actions into individual steps they could take, and larger scale, or ‘big picture’ ideas.


      • Teach kids to sew so they can mend small holes or rips in clothes
      • Give them permission to bug you to make changes. 
      • Get serious about biking and walking places; organize carpools when the distance is too far.
      • Find a way they can use their skills to fight climate change. How can they contribute with their unique skills? We’re going to need writers, leaders, engineers, teachers, farmers- and more- to solve this! So what angle would engage your kid the most?
      • Teach them to plan, purchase ingredients for, and cook a meatless or zero-waste meal (or two!)


      This is the list of actions for teens and pre-teens who want to get involved in protecting the environment on a larger scale. Here are some “big picture” ideas:

      • Encourage them to take political action. Individual changes, while important, aren’t going to be enough to keep us under 1.5 degrees Celsius to prevent irreversible global changes. So, we’re going to need sweeping changes that have to start at the political and/or business level. Some examples are:
        • Participating in climate marches
        • Writing to government representatives- and don’t forget the local and state reps! Big changes can happen on a city or state level!
        • Joining a movement like Sunrise Movement, or faith-based options like The Global Catholic Climate Movement.
        • Voting for candidates who are serious about taking steps to reduce our impact on the climate. (If they’re not 18, and you’re willing to vote on their behalf, teach them to do their research and ask who they’d like you to vote for.)
      • ENCOURAGE THEM TO SHARE NEW IDEAS! This one may be the most important. They are looking at this problem with a fresh set of eyes, and a new perspective. Encourage them to share what solutions they may see, listen, and help them put these ideas into action if possible.

        What Can We Do About Climate Anxiety and Kids?

        As adults, we understand there is a deep urgency to addressing climate change. But it’s absolutely overwhelming to our kids. When we present information in a way like, “Here are the Top 10 Environmental Issues That Should Make You Worry,” (not kidding, a real title of an article from some of the first research I was doing for this post) we aren’t giving our kids the tools they need to cope with climate anxiety.

        Instead, what they end up hearing is, “Things are so out of control that the adults can’t handle it, so yes, you as a 7-year-old should be worrying about this.”

        What we do, and the tone we set as parents deeply matters if we want our kids to be able to cope with climate anxiety, and ultimately be able to DO something about it.

        We can explain the basics, foster an appreciation of the natural world, find cause for hope, and find ways they can take action.

        Because actions always feels better than anxiety.

        Do you think your kid is suffering from climate anxiety? Have you asked? How has climate change affected your family?


        Mom Hacks to Save Time and Make Life Easier

        Mom Hacks to Save Time and Make Life Easier

        Time is short, and one of our most precious resources as parents. The days somehow fly by, and simultaneously drag on forever. What I wouldn’t give for just a few bonus hours to myself per week!

        Which is why we’re lured into the world of ‘parenting hacks.’ We all need any little trick we can to help us find what little time, energy and/or money we have left! But despite that, parenting hacks get a bad rap! Maybe it’s because we all recognize that there’s no short-cut to being a good parent. Which is why I can’t get behind things like, “1 magical thing to say to your kid so they never misbehave again.” We all know there is no such thing as 1 size fits all when it comes to disciplining your kids.

        But when I have more mental energy, time, or money to spend on my kids- guiding them through life becomes so much easier! Being a mom (or dad!) is hard. Especially when you’re raising neurodiverse kids. So, I use any little trick I can to save me time, brain-power, or money, to make being a mom a little easier so I can focus on my kids more.

        Today, I want to share my 5 favorite parenting ‘hacks’ with you. These are small things in my life, that you could implement today, that either save me time, money, mental energy, or some combination of all three.

        Mom Hack #1: Using the Alarm Function on My Phone

        Saves: Mental Energy

        Use the alarm function on your cell phone. I use it mostly for medication reminders. Daily for vitamins and probiotics, but also for antibiotics when they get sick. I’ve used it for doctor appointments I thought I’d forget, and even picking up my kids, too!

        Mom Hack #2: Cladwell 

        Saves: Time (and maybe money)

        I believe very strongly in the “look good; feel good” philosophy. As moms, we deserve to treat ourselves better than to just throw on an old stained shirt and some sweats. You also never know if you’ll be running to the ER that day, so you might as well get dressed! My kids are always 6 inches or 6 seconds away from a disaster, and I learned the true importance of getting dressed everyday when I had to rush my oldest son to the hospital in a pajama shirt when he was 6 weeks old!

        Cladwell makes it super easy for me to look pulled together, using what I already own (there’s the saving money part!) because they put the outfits together for me. I just input the clothes that are in my closet while watching Netflix- I think it only took 1 or 2 nights. And then they help you identify your own style! Using Cladwell has helped me save a ton of time, too! No more staring at the closet thinking, “I have nothing to wear,” then followed by time-wasting window shopping online. And bonus- I usually plan my clothes for the whole week, so I always know that what I want to wear will be clean! (You know, until my kids put their jam-hands all over me!)

        I’m not someone who really dresses ‘up’, but something about a good jeans/tee/jacket combo can make me feel like I can conquer the world. And let’s face it, some days, you need every boost to your attitude you can get!

        Mom Hack #3: Getting up an hour before the little ones 

        Saves: Time and Mental Energy

        I am not a morning person. Anyone who has ever lived with me knows that. I need a solid half-hour after I wake-up to become a human other people want to be around. So, if I wake up at the same time as my kids, I am immediately playing defense. (I’m pretty sure it was Rachel Hollis who introduced that idea to me, but man does it resonate!)

        When I wake up at the same time as them, or worse, when they wake me up, I immediately feel like I’m behind. When you’re raising a neurodiverse kid, it can feel like very few things are in your control. So having one hour of my day when I get to drink hot coffee, and fuel my mind and body with positivity (scripture, light exercise, writing, setting my intention for the day, etc.) puts me WAY ahead of the proverbial 8 ball for the day.

        Mom Hack #4: Instacart

        Saves: Time, Money and Mental Energy

        This. Is. A. Game. Changer. Not to brag, but I have not taken my kids on a giant grocery run in over a year. And I cannot understate how big of a deal that is. You know how tight time is, and how grocery shopping never seems to fit into that schedule! And then how kids always manage to get sick on the day you were planning to grocery shop, or how they start having a meltdown in the store because the right brand of crackers isn’t in stock this week. I’ve completely avoided that for 6 months!

        I’ve even started scheduling groceries to come during nap time so that I can get food put away before the vultures dive in! I literally recommend Instacart to every mom, but if you have kids who have challenging behaviors, or are sick frequently, or who need to stay inside during RSV season, or extra things that make getting to the grocery store an extra hardship, you NEED to try Instacart. If you don’t live in an area with Instacart, I highly recommend trying grocery pick-up through your nearest store, or you can even try Amazon Fresh which will also do grocery delivery.

        Full disclosure- I work with a very tight grocery budget. Like, $4/day per person. For all meals and snacks. And I know some people hesitate with Instacart because it feels expensive. Personally, I’ve been able to keep the budget better under control with Instacart. When you see your list before you order, you can play around with things and really consider what you need and find swaps, etc. to get your grocery bill to the right amount for you. That way my budget is in check, every time.

        Mom Hack #5: Buckle Protector

        Saves: Time and Mental Energy

        This is one tool I keep in my car in case of an emergency. Some kids like to pull the whole, “I’m going to unbuckle myself while you’re driving” as a power move. Which is dangerous and infuriating.

        The first time my kid tried this move, I was caught off-guard, and super-unsuccessfully tried using a blanket to wrap him to his chair. Like I said- it didn’t work. We slowly and carefully drove the 1 mile home with an unbuckled and very out of control child in the backseat. It was nerve-wracking.

        The buckle protector is a small little device I just put over the stationary part of the buckle when I need, and it blocks kids from pressing the red release part down. (You can release it by using a popsicle stick that they provide, or a thin key.) We’ve tried it with the child-restraint engaged on the seat belt, and my kids couldn’t slip out from underneath, either. No more waiting for a half hour for your kid to stay buckled, and no more stress about them being unsafe! It’s a great tool to have around when kids can’t resist their impulses.

        Mom Hack #6: Freezer Meals

        Saves: Time and Money

        Freezer meals have saved me serving cereal for dinner every night during several stressful times! Like when I headed back to work after the birth of our 2nd kid, or when my husband was working 6 days a week, and going back to school. Time every evening is at a premium. And I didn’t want to spend it in a hot kitchen yelling at the boys to stop tormenting each other.

        Just having something in the freezer that could be ready to eat in an hour or so is amazing. And then you add in the time benefits from making your meal in bulk? I’m sold! There are a couple different options that I’ve tried- like Once a Month Meals, and mini-freezer meal plans from different websites (like this one from Pinch of Yum).

        Lastly, I’ve been loving Kelly’s recipes on the Family Freezer. I especially love her style because it’s ‘dump and go’ which means very quick meal prep. She uses a lot of frozen veggies and canned goods to make it much much quicker. They’re healthy, and she even makes the darn grocery list for you! And there are a bunch of options to get started for free, instead of paying a monthly membership. It doesn’t get much better than that!

        Since one of the challenging behaviors we deal with at our house is extreme picky-eating, I tend to choose meals based on how I can ‘deconstruct’ them. So, for example, spaghetti with meat balls and green beans is a win, because one kid can have plan spaghetti. The other can have spaghetti with marinara, and then the rest of us can have a nice balanced meal. Casseroles and soups are a great example of something that generally doesn’t work for this tactic.

        Using These Mom Hacks to Help Manage Kids with Challenging Behaviors

        The greater bandwidth you have, the easier it is to remain patient and use all the other tools at your disposal to help your kid. You can be more present when everything else is under control. One of the greatest struggles with challenging behaviors is that we don’t always know when they’ll strike. There’s always an ebb and flow, whether it’s measured in months or hours. Using parenting hacks is the alternative to letting everything fall apart when your kid demands your full attention.

        I’d love to hear what other parenting hacks help you save time, money or energy while helping your kid with challenging behaviors! Share in the comments below!

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        How to Make Bath Time Fun!

        How to Make Bath Time Fun!

        Are you in search of a few quick, easy ways to make bath time fun? And do you need those answers, like, yesterday?

        I get it! Some kids HATE bathtime. Maybe they struggle with Sensory Processing Disorder, maybe they have a phobia of the bath, or other anxiety about water, maybe they’d rather just keep their well-earned filth on them. Who knows! (Actually, you probably do!)

        But that doesn’t mean they don’t eventually neeeeeed a bath. And it is truly exhausting when it reaches that point. 30 minutes of screaming and crying, and you’re remembering some history book that said people 200 years ago got a bath once a year. Your kid would live, right?

        But it might not have to be this hard. I have some great ideas to make bath time more fun for even the toughest customer, so keep reading!

        Ideas To Make Bath Time Fun

        1. Bath Fizzes

        Whether it’s homemade bath bombs, or the little fizzes, these will definitely distract your kid long enough to get them washed

        2. Bath Crayons

        Because when else are they allowed to draw on the wall?!

        3. Water Toys

        There are a bajillion bath toys on the market. Find one that’ll peak their interest! Also, anything can be a bath toy as long as it’s not electric, or maybe wood. We’ve definitely taken favorite plastic super-hero toys in the bath under the pretense that the Avengers needed a good washdown, too.

        4. Glow sticks

        This is a really cool bath idea! Grab a pack of glow sticks, turn off the lights in the bathroom (maybe keep a nightlight on for safety) and watch your kid become mesmerized by the neon lights!

        5. Bath Foam

        Or you can just use shaving cream.

        6. Fun Bath Time Music

        Nothing turns it into a party faster than some good music!

        7. Rewards for getting clean without crying!

        If your kid knows they can earn a special show or book, or a small treat, or whatever, they might just start asking for bath time!

        Ideas to make bath time fun for kids with sensory processing disorder or anxiety

        8. Check your water

        This may require a bit of experimentation, but try the bath at different temperatures to see if that helps your kiddo adjust to bath time better.

        9. Change washcloths

        Maybe your kid needs more or less bumpy. Some kids can’t handle the soapy feeling, and others the roughness of a washcloth.

        10. Avoid unsupported head-tilting

        Head tilting may be hard-  because it involves the vestibular sense- so you could try washing hair in the sink. (And then rest their head on a propped-up collander if they would feel more secure that way.)

        11. Sponge bath

        Have them sit in a plastic kids chair and do a sponge bath if they can’t sit in water

        12. Gradual is key

        Let them sit in the water as you start the tub so they can gradually get used to the sensation of water. If they have a phobia of water, this may help them feel more confident that they can control how much water is going in.

        13. Wear a swim suit

        If you have a kid who’ll go swimming, but not take a bath, break out the swim suit!

        14. Try a suds-free shampoo

        That soapy sensation from most typical shampoos may be too much to handle, depending on the child. Some love it, some really don’t.

        15. Take less (or more) baths

        Reduce or increase the amount of bath times as needed! Some kids need repeated exposure to feel more comfortable, and others need less. Kids who have started edging towards puberty don’t need to bathe as often as we may think. It’s very unregimented, but try just washing when they’re dirty or smelly.

        How To Make Bath Time Fun For Kids Who Hate Getting Their Hair Washed

        16. Use A Focal Point

        Put stickers on the tub for kids to focus on and look at so you can get different angles of their hair washed/rinsed

        17. Swimming goggles/ear plugs

        For a lot of kids, getting water in their ears or eyes is a deal-breaker. Yes, the swimming goggles complicate hair washing. But just imagine having bath time with NO screaming!

        18. Hand-held shower attachment

        Using a hand-held shower attachment is another option for a more controlled way to wet and rinse the hair to try and avoid the eyes and ears.

        19. Empty shampoo bottle

        These also have a small opening for a more controlled pour

        20. Let kids be in control

        See if your kid wants to be in charge of at least wetting their hair. Being in control may be a great way to help make bath time for fun for a toddler, and make it less stressful for them. (and you!)

        21. Cover their face during hair washing

        I have to credit my husband for this tactic that works like a charm in my house. We start with 2 hand-towels, and let our son hold a dry towel over his face while I pour the water over his head, and I help check that his ears are ‘plugged’ with the towels, too. Then we use another dry, fresh hand-towel to hold over his face while we rinse.

        22. Focus on Play Time

        Just let them play in the bath every other time (unless your kid is super dirty) and save the washing for next time! Nothing will make bath time more fun than just being allowed to play! Also, this will help identify where you’re real problem is: the feeling of water, or of being washed.

        23. Avoid unsupported head tilting

        I know it’s already above, but in case you missed it, head tilting may be hard-  because it involves the vestibular sense- so you could try washing hair in the sink. (And then rest their head on a propped-up collander if they would feel more secure that way.)

        24. Inflatable bath pillow

        This is in the same vein as the last tip, but it might help your child feel more secure if they can lay down flat in an inch or two of water and have their head on a pillow while you wash their hair.

        Bonus tips to make bath time fun!

        25. Try a shower If bath time just isn’t working out, try giving your kid a shower!

        Turn it on low water pressure and let the water fall down. A little ‘verbal judo’ (because with kids, it’s ALL about the marketing), and your child could play in a “waterfall” instead of having to take a bath.

        26. Wear swim suits and make it a party!

        This is more of a temporary solution, but if you can get your kid into the shower or tub, and help them have a positive association with it, I’d call that a win!

        How to develop your own tactics to make bath time fun for your child

        Any time you need a solution, it’s always critical to pinpoint the problem. Honestly, the best way to do that is to be a scientist and run mini science experiments on your kids. It’s WAY more harmless than it sounds. Just change one thing at a time, and watch for any differences.

        Make notes as you go, and remember, even if you find that one change doesn’t work for your child, that’s still progress! Learning is always a step forward! And we all know that parenting isn’t easy. But through trial and error, you’ll find what works!

        If you’re in need of more practical parenting tips, encouragement and support, make sure to sign up for the newsletter below.

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        34 Printable Journal Writing Prompts for Kids

        34 Printable Journal Writing Prompts for Kids


        Journal Writing Prompts for Kids

        Personally, I love journal writing. I’m a sucker for a pretty, new journal with fresh pages full of possibility. And in my busy days, taking the time to write feels like a luxury. But mostly I love how things I didn’t even know about myself always seem to come rolling off the tip of my pen.

        I want to give that gift to my kids, too. Self-reflection is a tool that will serve them for the rest of life! And it’s a key step to improved mental health!

        But I’ve tried giving them blank paper, with vague instructions like, “Just write about your day, or whatever you want!” The writer’s block sets in almost immediately.

        Making Journaling Fun

        Kids thrive on structure. We all know this. So when I step back to think about it, I was setting them up for failure with such open-ended instructions! They needed guidance; parameters.

        This is where journal writing prompts for kids come in. With a little structure, kids feel safe and can really open up their imagination and have some fun with this!

        34 Free Printable Journal Writing Prompts for Kids:

        There’s more where that came from! A whole ‘nother page of great questions to get kids journaling!


        How To Use The Printable Journal Writing Prompts For Kids

        It’s pretty straight forward. You just print them out! I’ve given you two options. The first download is pretty and lovely, but the second is meant if you would like to cut the prompts into strips and glue them down into a composition journal. Or you could just use the first printable and tuck it in the front of the journal.

        You can use these writing prompts to encourage kids to journal by themselves daily, or weekly. I think the weekly set-up is nice; it still fits into a routine, and is relatively frequent, but not so often that your kid feels like they’re getting bashed over the head with it. If your kid has never had a diary or journal before, I would highly recommend a weekly practice.

        Using The Writing Prompts for A Parent-Child Journal

        You could choose to do a parent-child journal with them. These writing prompts were designed to work beautifully in mommy & me type journals! As the parent, you can choose if you’d like to answer the prompt about yourself, or if you’d like to steer it back towards your kiddo.

        Prompts like, “What are the 3 best things about you” lend themselves nicely to writing about your kid. While other writing prompts, such as, “If you had 1 superpower, what would it be?” are a nice opportunity for your child to get to know you better.

        Make sure to grab a copy of these journal prompts for your kid! 

        If you want to start journaling with your kid, but just handing them some journal writing prompts seems a little too free-wheeling, you may want to read this for a little more guidance!


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        Should You Be Starting A Journal For Your Child?

        Why You Should Be Starting A Journal For Your Child

        To answer the question of whether or not you should be starting a journal for your child, let me just bluntly ask you- are you as emotionally connected to your child as you want to be?

        My guess is that you answered ‘no.’ Which isn’t to say that your relationship with your child is horrible. But something good can always be better. Right?

        What parent doesn’t crave that connection with their kid- the real one where you can see the love and warmth in their eyes? It’s what the dreams of pregnant moms everywhere are made of!

        But the reality is usually different than the dream. Some kids just don’t talk to their moms and dads. At least not about the stuff that’s on their heart. So, even if you have a kid that won’t stop talking, you might still feel like you know nothing about them!

        Why Doesn’t My Kid Want To Talk To Me?

        Some kids don’t want to talk because they just don’t feel comfortable expressing themselves. Whether it’s introvertedness, the desire to be private, anxiety that somehow they’ll get the answer ‘wrong,’ or maybe a lack of self-awareness- these kids are what I’d call ‘reluctant talkers.’ They can talk to you; they just don’t want to.

        Other kids just don’t have the language to express it. Maybe your kid is struggling with a speech-delay, developmental delay, auditory-processing disorder, or other information-processing disorder. But whatever the case is, it’s really hard to have a conversation with a kid who physically or cognitively struggles to answer you.

        It makes it really difficult to keep up your enthusiasm to engage with your kids when all they give you is one-word answers- even to open-ended questions! The temptation to just turn back to your phone and give-up asking questions is so strong. But instead of giving up, you’re here! You’re awesome!

        You can start with trying out some of these games to help kids open up and talk to you,  and even add in some journaling to help connect with your kid.

        Journaling for A Better Relationship

        Starting a journal for your child addresses both those problems by a) taking the face to face interaction out of it, and b) helping the kid to feel more comfortable to express themselves without fear of judgment. It also helps them gain language because they have the time to consider what they’re ‘saying.’ This is a great method for kids who prefer to process information slowly.

        Journaling uses one of the less known options to communicate with these reluctant and late talkers- writing! But it can work wonders. There doesn’t need to be a great conversation about whether or not they would like to do this with you. It only takes 3 tiny steps!

        1. Simply pick out an intriguing journal (see the options below). It could even be decorated in some of their favorite colors or characters. Whatever helps!
        2. Then you write the initial entry. Maybe start with a compliment or something you really appreciate about them. Explain that you would love to share this journal, filled with their thoughts about the day, or even just silly stories! Whenever they’re done they can leave it on your bed (or desk, or dresser, etc.).
        3. Lastly, just mysteriously leave it on their pillow. Humans love intrigue, and chances are that your kid won’t be able to help themselves, and they’ll be compelled to open it!

        (New fun, fancy ‘grown-up’ pens never hurt, either!)

        Options for Starting A Journal For Your Child

        1. Journaling back and forth.

        These are things like Mother-Son, Mother-Daughter, or general Parent-Child journals. The ones below all have prompts, so if you’re a little unsure about this process and don’t want to do a ton of prep-work, they would be a great option for you!


        But, you could even start with just a cheap composition journal; less pressure to make it happen.

        2. Letter writing

        If you want to start with a low cost-of-entry, you could try letter-writing back and forth. All you need is paper. And envelopes if you want to get really crazy! Letters might be a format that your kid is more comfortable with. And it not, letter-writing is a dying art that your kid would definitely benefit from learning!

        If you happen to be a crafty type of person, you could even set up a fun mailbox system that might just have everyone in your family writing letters to each other! A cereal box, cut in half and decorated would be a beautiful mailbox! And a fun way to involve your kid in getting the process started.

        3. Comic books

        If you have a kid who may not be a strong writer yet, or just really enjoys comics or drawing, this could be your ticket! You can share true-life stories, or make-up epic tales about brave heroes, or whatever silly stories your child may have in their head! The more you engage with them and follow their lead, the better this process will go. Although this isn’t technically a journal, I love this blank comic book because it gives structure but still leaves TONS of space for creativity.

        General Guidelines for Starting A Journal For Your Child

        1. What happens in the journal stays in the journal (Ie: Respect Their Privacy)

        Don’t talk about what you two have written, unless they bring it up first. So, as much as it might pain you, you can’t talk about the journal over breakfast. But this isn’t a secrecy thing. It’s about giving them a little reprieve from feeling like they’re being interrogated when you ask about their day.

        When you’re first starting a journal for your child, I wouldn’t make an overt confidentiality statement, in case they write something that you truly need to share. For example, as a therapist, times when I’ll break confidentiality include if someone has told me about thoughts of harm to themselves or others. Kids have an acute sense of justice, so if you tell them you’ll always keep everything private, they’ll hold you to that. The best bet here would be to demonstrate that you’ll keep their privacy through your actions, and not promise it with your words.

        2. Avoid Correction At All Costs

        This is not the time to correct their spelling, grammar, or hand-writing. Just let it be. When you cringe about the spelling, just remember the goal of you journaling together is better communication, with the ultimate goal of being better connected with your kid! From their perspective, it’s hard to feel connected when you’re being told you’re doing it wrong. And the purpose of language is communication- so even if the word is wrong or messy, as long as you understood the gist of what they’re saying, they communicated successfully!

        3. Write for your audience

        This refers to both the content, and your writing style. So first, be cautious of what you write. This is probably not the moment to go on a rant about how your boss is a jerk or to vent about your spouse. But personal stories can good- especially if there’s a lesson to be learned. But just be mindful that you’re writing to your kid.

        And depending on your kid’s reading level, you may need to keep the words and sentences short and simple. Lists are a great way to accomplish this if you’re not using prompts. Things like, “5 Reasons I love you” or “The funniest things you’ve ever done” can be good jumping off points.

        4. Have fun!

        This is meant to be a way to connect with your kiddo. So NEVER use it as a punishment or consequence. Try to set a weekly schedule (or figure out a routine – or lack thereof- that works for you!). That way neither of you are racing to get it back to the other overnight.

        Enjoy Your Parent-Child Journal!

        Starting a journal for your child can be a really rewarding journey. You’ll feel better connected, and you’ll be teaching your kid so many important things. (Things we didn’t even touch on in this post, like basic reading and writing skills, emotional intelligence and self-introspection!) So whether you use a simple back-and-forth journal- with or without prompts- or you write letters to each other, or you collaborate on a comic book, I know you’ll have a great time sharing this with your kid!

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        7 Games to Get Kids to Open Up and Talk to You

        7 Games and Activities to Get Kids to Open Up and Talk to You

        I’ve been using games to get kids to open up for over a decade now. And let me tell you- they work!

        It’s pretty much a guarantee that I will ask myself on a daily basis, “How can I communicate better with my son?” (I have 3 boys, so communication always needs to be tweaked with someone.)

        Exhibit A- I used to go in and pick my 4-year-old up from preschool. I’d hear all about his day from the teachers, and find out about what crafts they made or what books they read. Then we would get back in the car to go home.

        “How are you, sweetie? How was preschool? Did you have a good time?”

        “Mom that’s too many questions!”

        That’s literally what my 4-year-old said to me. “That’s too many questions.” 3 questions was too many.

        He’s never been what you might call a ‘talker.’ But I knew right then that this was truly going to be an uphill battle just to stay informed about what was going on in his life.

        And as a family therapist, this drives me particularly nuts. I talk to kids for a living! So I thought I’d have it all figured out with my own kids. HA! Luckily, as a therapist, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. There are LOTS of games to get kids to open up!

        Communication is Key

        True, some kids just don’t like to talk. But that doesn’t mean that we’re free as parents to not communicate with them. In fact, I believe it raises the stakes on the need for communication.

        As a parent, it’s my responsibility to know about the basics of what’s going on in his life. So when he’s four, that means knowing what he did at preschool. I need to know who he’s playing with at free-time, and how he’s getting along with his teachers, and generally what he’s learning so I can help supplement when (or if) necessary. The things I’ll need to know about him will change as he grows and becomes more independent, and as my role in his life slowly shifts.

        I also see it as my responsibility to be the best parent I can be for him. Which means being responsive to his needs and connecting with him. And it’s nearly impossible to connect with a kid (or anyone!) who won’t open up to you! Seriously, if you asked, “So tell me about your day,” and the guy answered, “It was ok,” how long would that date last?!

        Being responsive to our kids is one of the basic measures of being an Authoritative parent. It’s pretty much the gold standard of parenting, and backed-up with lots of research. You might want to check out this article if you want to learn more about Authoritative parenting.

        How Do I Get My Kid to Talk to Me?

        So how do you get your kids to actually talk to you? Fair question. Let’s start by setting ourselves up for success.

        1. Don’t Require Eye-Contact When Talking About Big Things

        Kids can often struggle with face to face conversation, especially if they’re more introverted, have a history of trauma, or have diagnoses like Depression, ADHD, Anxiety or Autism. But it can be tough for any kid to look a parent in the eye, especially when having conversations about ‘big’ things. (Their definition will vary from yours.) So don’t make it a requirement here if you can help it.

        2. Know Their Development

        It’s critical to know what your child is capable of understanding and discussing. Kids with various developmental delays may also have a delay in metacognition (thinking about thinking). So they may truly struggle to answer the question, “What were you thinking about when that happened?” Kids with ADHD will struggle to focus on the conversation for a long period of time.

        Know your kid, and what they’re capable of. If you’re unsure, you can do a quick Google search, or talk to your pediatrician about it. You can get a PhD in child cognitive development, so I can’t even begin to do it justice here.

        Games and Activities to Get Your Kid to Talk To You

        These games are so simple, it’s easy to overlook their power. Some of them are games in the typical sense of the word, and some of these are ways to turn the conversation (or your approach to it) itself into a game!

        1. Try Having a Conversation with Them While They’re in the Car

        This is a time-tested ‘game.’ Chances are that your parents may have even used it on you! Simply starting the conversation in the car takes away your kid’s concern about seeing your reaction when they tell you something. So it’s much easier for them to open up that way!

        2. Don’t Talk About Them

        Start by talking about someone else; take the roundabout path, don’t direct the conversation AT them. Try asking a question like, “I haven’t heard about your friend in a while- how are they doing?” If you let them steer the conversation, starting from a non-threatening place, it might just wind up back where you were hoping. Warning- this option is kind of a long-game.

        3. Talk Over Card Games and Easy Board Games

        Chances are, these are the ones already in your cupboard. You want to choose ones that don’t take a lot of mental bandwidth so that your kid can think about the game AND be able to talk to you still. Board games like Trouble or Chutes and Ladders are great for this. So are card games like Go Fish or War. (These card holders make it so much easier for little hands, or limited fine motors skills to play along!)

        4. Let Your Kid Fidget with Something

        Letting your child fuss with something in their hands while they talk is a great strategy to help kids open up. A fidget, clay, theraputty, or play-doh or can serve two functions. First, it’ll help draw the eye-contact away, which helps with potentially awkward conversations. Second, it helps occupy that impulsive or distractable part of the brain, which means your child might actually be able to attend to what you’re saying!

        5. 20 Questions

        An oldie, but a goodie, for a reason. If you’re really trying to get them to open up about a specific topic, like, how to get your child to talk about school, this is a great game to play. You can start with a broad question- something like, “What was your favorite part of school today?” And if you’re like most parents of reluctant talkers, you’ll get a response of anything from “I dunno” to complete silence. Then, just ask if you can turn it into a fun game of 20 Questions! (Or even 10 Questions depending on their attention and development level!) The best part is that you’ll get collateral information while you’re on your way to finding out the answer!

        6. Turn Dinner Into A Game

        To say that talking to our kids about school is like pulling teeth is an understatement. Our older son is extremely private, and all information is deemed to be either something we ‘should’ already know, or something we don’t need to know. Our other kids are both receiving speech therapy- so I completely understand what it’s like to sit at a table with people who won’t- or can’t- talk to you!

        Using “Dinner Questions” -at least that’s what we call them in our house- has been a really nice way to communicate with our boys. I think there’s something about the fact that the questions don’t technically come from mom and dad that they appreciate. My husband and I take turns answering the questions, too- which I think contributes to the draw of the dinner questions.   (Here’s a link to the ones we have in our home- they’ve been good for an age range of about 4 -5 and older.)

        We also instituted the “Roses and Thorns” (basically, what were the good or bad parts of your day) question at dinner time, which has gone surprisingly well. The four-year-old can’t quite answer such an open-ended question. But the 8-year-old has been really open with us! Even to the point of letting us know about friend troubles I’m confident we never would’ve learned about otherwise.

        7. Using a Mom and Me Journal

        I’m totally saving the best for last here. I absolutely LOVE journaling as a communication tool. And there are so many formats you could use that will help your child open up. It could be as simple as having a composition notebook that you pass back and forth. Or you could use a journal with prompts to get the creative juices flowing. You could choose to write about your days, or write fictional stories together. The options are truly endless!

        Thoughts on Using Games to Get Kids to Open Up

        A kid’s job is to play. The more we ‘gameify’ things, the more we are reaching down to their level to connect. Play and imagination are so real and so necessary to their development that it’s often the best place to find out about what’s really going on in their lives. It’s why there’s an entire branch of therapy dedicated to play! (ie: play therapy)

        So when you use one of the activities or games to help your kid open up and talk to you, you’re sending a signal of unconditional acceptance to your kiddo; that you’ll meet them where they are. Not to mention, you’re also doing some very smart parenting! And when they feel connected to you, and you feel good about your parenting, the communication is only going to keep flowing!

        If you’d like to receive weekly tips, resources and advice about parenting kids with challenging behaviors, please make sure to sign-up for my newsletter below! (And make sure to look out for some great freebies! Because I love a good printable as much as the next girl!)

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        2 Simple Steps To Be A Better Mom

        2 Simple Steps to Be A Better Mom

        Being A Better Mom Can Be Simple!

        Have you ever felt like you just don’t know what you’re doing as a parent? Like you’re just surviving-minute to minute?

        Did you then go down a rabbit-hole trying to find answers? Checking out a bunch of books from the library, and listening to podcasts, and reading as many parenting articles you can handle?

        You’re not alone.

        First, I have so much respect for your dedication to your kids, and your quest to answer the question, “How can I be the best parent?”

        Second, I have really good news for you. There’s no secret, complicated formula for being a better mom! There are really only 2 steps you need to take. And it’s even backed-up by science! It only takes being attentive and having healthy expectations of your kids. Essentially, Authoritative parenting is all you need. Everything else is just gravy!

        What Does Authoritative Parenting Have To Do With Being A Better Mom?

        To boil it down to the quickest definition, Authoritative parenting is when the parent has a balance of high levels of demandingness (i.e. healthy expectations) for their kid, AND a high level of responsiveness (attentive).

        Are There Other Types of Parenting?

        Of course! There are 3 other basic types (as proposed by family scientist Diana Baumrind). They are Authoritarian, Permissive and Neglectful. You can read more about them here in this article about the different parenting styles. But the chart below helps explain the different parenting styles based on the amounts of demandingness and responsiveness, too.

        All of the major parenting styles (like positive parenting, gentle parenting, attachment parenting- you get the picture) rely on you becoming an Authoritative parent. So, by just focusing on the basics, you can skip the confusion, become an awesome mom, and actually parent according to your own gut-instincts and personality!

        Authoritative Parenting Is How You Can Be A Better Mom

        Of the 4 different parenting types, hands-down, Authoritative parenting has been shown to be the best parenting style for our kids. But don’t believe me; believe the research!

        Kids who are raised with Authoritative parents have much better outcomes in life. They are more resilient, do better in school, are more socially at ease, have higher self-esteem, and they even tend to have fewer cavities!

        “Adolescents who describe their parents as treating them warmly, democratically, and firmly are more likely than their peers to develop positive attitudes toward, and beliefs about, their achievement, and as a consequence, they are more likely to do better at school.” From Child Development.

        Will This Work For Me?

        It’s completely fair to ask, “But will this work to help me be a better mom to my son?” (Or my teen, or my toddler, or my daughter, or my challenging kid?)

        Fortunately, the answer is yes. These 2 steps will help you with every kind of kid, of every age. Because this relies on your understanding of your own son or daughter. And who knows them better than you?!

        As you go through the process and figure out how to become more attentive and implement expectations, think about it in developmentally appropriate ways. A toddler and a teenager need to be treated differently! You can also tailor this to different kids’ needs. Maybe one of your kids appreciates your one-on-one time, but another just needs a good hug. You can use their Love Languages to your advantage here!

        How to Become a More Engaged Parent in 2 Steps

        OK, you’re sold. You need to become a more Authoritative parent. After all, it is the simplest framework I’ve seen for being the best parent. My best advice is to observe yourself and your actual current style. It’d be awesome if you could observe yourself on a good day and a bad day, too. Because that’s when the truth really comes out.

        Observing yourself can be hard, so I’ve included a quick parenting worksheet for you to fill out as you go. Once you know your own tendencies, you’ll know what you need to work on.

        Step 1- Be More Responsive

        (I want to give a quick note before we dive into the list. You don’t have to be physically present to be responsive. If you’re a parent who lives apart from your kid or travels a lot, you can anticipate events in their lives. Maybe you know a big test or event is coming up for them. You can send a note saying good luck, you can call when they get out of school, or you can send them a short video just to say you’re thinking of them. Please don’t believe that you can’t be responsive to your kid’s needs and emotions just because you’re not physically there with them.)

        Here are some examples of ways to be attentive and responsive to your kid:

        • Listen attentively

        • Spend time connecting

        • Respond with empathy

        •  Have fun with them or just be silly

        Authoritative Parenting Requires Balance

        As with anything in life, I would recommend balance. Make sure to let your kid explore on their own, and have independence as well. Your job is to be that safe ‘home base.’ A question you can ask yourself is, “How can I make sure my kid feels heard today.”

        Feeling heard is not synonymous with getting everything they want, though. For example, if your kids ask for ice cream after dinner, and that’s just not in the cards, you can let them feel heard by saying something like, “Man, that would be nice! I wish we could have dessert every night, too!” (Or whatever feels natural to you) But then cap it off by re-stating the healthy expectation that your family doesn’t have dessert every night, it’s just for Fridays/weekends/parties/when you eat all your vegetables/etc. Which is a nice segue to…

        Step 2- How to Be More Demanding

        The word ‘demanding’ can sound pretty harsh. And while it’s one of the two traits measured with the Baumrind Styles of Parenting, it’s not typically a word you’d associate with the quest to be a better mother.

        But- if you rephrase ‘demanding’ with  ‘healthy expectations’ it helps us really get to the point of this parenting characteristic. It’s as simple as being clear about your expectations.

        For example, you can have expectations about things like:

        • Chores

        •  Grades (or better yet, effort at school)

        •  General helpfulness/attitude around the house

        •  Earning privileges

        •  Allowance

        •  Family rules and consequences

        •  Food/healthy habits

        Expectations may show up in your home as established family rules, or even as part of your family values or family culture. Being a better mom to a teen may be as simple as stating, “In this house, we help each other because we love each other.”

        Consistency is Key

        If expectations are a car, being consistent is the engine. These expectations will just sit around, unable to do anything or go anywhere without your consistent attitude about them. Eventually, they’ll sit around rusting out, and going completely unused, and then you’re back where you started.

        Being consistent may look like giving kind but firm reminders of rules. Or just re-stating your expectation that they try their best at school. It may look like a consequence for failing to follow-through (ie: you didn’t complete your chores, so you don’t get screen-time).

        So set yourself up for success when you set your expectations. Be consistent with your core family values and reinforcing your expectations won’t feel like a burden. And try not to put too many expectations in place at once; let it grow slowly with your kid’s abilities.

        After all, that’s the way it naturally happens; you would absolutely have more expectations from a teenager than from a baby. So if you’re starting this process with slightly older kids, give it time for each expectation to sink in and become habit.

        Being A Better Mom Will Require Self-Care

        It’s important to remember that having a day, or a moment when you slip into a different style doesn’t undo all your hard work.

        Absolutely, we all have days when we’re burned out and exhausted, and hope that -somehow- if we just ignore the problem, it’ll go away.

        We all have days when it’s “my way or the highway.” And I promise, there will be days when the temptation to bribe our way to good behavior is strong.

        But we need to recognize that when we slip into these other behaviors, it’s usually because our own reserves and strength and good-reason have run low. It doesn’t mean we’re bad parents- or bad people. If you really want to learn how to be a better mom, it’s going to mean that you need to fill your own cup before you can pour out into anyone else.

        [bctt tweet=”If you really want to learn how to be a better mom, it’s going to mean that you need to fill your own cup, before you can pour out into anyone else.”]

        Action Steps

        We’ve established that the Authoritative parenting style is the simplest path to becoming the best parent you can be. (Oh boy, that sounds hokey. Not any less true, though!)  My hope is that you as you finish reading this, you’re feeling like this is all completely do-able. I want you to be able to parent in a way that you’re being true to yourself, and still providing what your kid needs in a way that feels natural to you!

        But if you feel like there are a few things you could tune-up, here are some steps you can take.

        1. Do the worksheet.

        This will help you lay out your plan. It’s always easier to follow-through if you actually have a plan!

        2. Find one time of day you can incorporate more responsiveness or demandingness (as needed).

        Make a note to yourself about how it went, and if/what you might want to change next time to improve your consistency.

        It’s so important to remember that this isn’t all or nothing. Of course, we are all going to have good days and bad days. There will be times when you slip up and slide back into your more ‘natural’ parenting style. We’re just aiming for a balance of more good days than bad.

        3. Schedule 10 minutes of self-care (at least!) per day.

        An important thing to keep in mind is that the Authoritative style is the most demanding on us as parents. So if you find yourself having more bad days than good, it’s a clear indicator that you are in need of some serious self-care. Please, remember to take a break, and fuel and re-energize yourself so you can come back to your kids refreshed. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Just meaningful.

        The Wrap-Up

        If you really want to be the best parent, you need to honestly assess yourself first. Because in order to grow you need to identify your own strengths, and areas to improve. From there, you can figure out what steps you can take to move over to the Authoritative style.

        If your goal is really to be an engaged mom, then you’ll need to increase your responsiveness/attentiveness. If you’re already a pretty engaged parent and need to round things out, then you can focus on the healthy expectations you have for your kid.

        Download the parenting worksheet from the resource library and let me know- are you naturally stronger in having expectations, or being responsive? Improve your accountability and share what your specific plan is to be a better mom!

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        Parenting 101: The 4 Types of Parenting Styles

        Parenting 101: The 4 Types of Parenting Styles

        Getting It Right

        One of my favorite sayings about parenthood is, “There’s no one way to do it right. But there are definitely some ways to get it wrong.”

        We all love our kids, and want to do what’s best for them. But to be honest? Parenting is so much harder than it looked before we actually had kids.

        Hence the constant searching for better, easier ways. Looking for parenting hacks, and tricks and tips.

        So, I have a good news-bad news situation for you.

        First the good news. Parenting hacks are awesome! They’re completely awesome for little things like figuring out how to keep shampoo out of kid’s eyes when I’m washing their hair. (Dry handtowel over the face. Feel free to try it.)

        The bad news? There’s no hacking your way to being a better parent.

        But don’t despair! There’s more good news! The steps are straightforward. We just have to clear out some mental space, and get back to basics.

        The best way to do that is to learn from those who have gone before us. People have been parenting for as long as we’ve existed. It’s kind of why we still exist as a species. So we have the amazing advantage of learning from millennia of parents!

        But since we don’t have a ton in common with our cave people ancestors, or even most of the ancient empires, I’d prefer to bring things a little closer to home. With family research done in the past few decades!

        Family Research on Parenting

        Family research has shown us time and again that there is a way to optimize our parenting to help our kids achieve their full potential.

        Full potential.

        I love that. I’m pretty sure that’s the best we can do for our kids. Period.

        The 4 Types of Parenting Styles

        There are 4 different parenting styles that are supported by family research (full credit- these were originally created by Diana Baumrind). They are Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, and Neglectful.

        They’re defined by the two characteristics of demandingness and responsiveness.


        Demandingness is having healthy expectations of your kids. If you have high demandingness, your family probably has an established set of rules, chores, and general expectations for your kids. Your kids may feel that a lot is being asked of them.

        If you have low demandingness in your house, your kids may not have a lot of responsibilities, or there’s an attitude of “whatever they can do will be fine.” It may be coupled with a sense of “I don’t care what they do. I can’t change it anyway.”


        Responsiveness is essentially whether or not you are emotionally available and present for your kid. If you’re a parent who frequently says things like, “I see that you’re frustrated. Let’s problem solve this,” chances are you’re pretty darn responsive.

        Or you may pay attention to non-verbal cues, and be able to tell their needs, like hunger, sleep, or just the need for a break, by their actions. Those examples would both be of parents with very high levels of responsiveness.

        Low responsiveness may sound like, “Well what do you want me to do about it?” (In a sort of snarky tone.) Or just not noticing when your kid comes home and is looking kinda forlorn; or noticing and doing nothing about it. It could also look like staring at your phone or computer, and not engaging with you kiddo, even if they’re in the same room.

        The 4 types of parenting styles are just the different combinations of low and high demandingness and low and high responsiveness.

        So, let’s dive into the different parenting styles in a little more detail.

        What is the Authoritative parenting style?

        Description: Authoritative parenting is defined as having high demandingness and high responsiveness. In this style, you have healthy expectations of your kid, which are balanced by your responsiveness to their needs. For example, you could have the expectation that they do the dishes after dinner. But you know they’re under the weather tonight, so you give them a pass.

        Pros: Authoritative parenting is pretty much the gold standard of parenting. Hands down, kids have the best outcomes with this type of parenting. That means that in the long-run, kids who were raised with Authoritative parents are:

        • Happier

        • Have less mental health problems

        • Perform better in school

        • Are more independent

        • Have overall good self-esteem

        Cons: There really aren’t any. Unless, maybe, you consider that this isn’t your natural parenting style and it’s something you have to put energy into daily?

        But that doesn’t really seem like a con to me- it just sounds like parenting. Parenting is hard, but it’s important. Why not do it well?

        What is the Authoritarian parenting style?


        This style of parenting has very high demandingness, with very low responsiveness. It’s a dictator-like style of parenting. Kids have to do what you say, and you don’t care how it makes them feel.


        You’re going to find a theme that there aren’t a lot of positives from parenting styles that aren’t Authoritative.

        I could dive into a whole point/counterpoint thing about obedience being an outcome of Authoritarian parenting. And it can be. But my personal stance is that it can also be a result of Authoritative parenting, with the benefit of other positives. Yes, kids need to learn obedience to get through life. But there are better ways to accomplish this.


        Kids of Authoritarian parents don’t live in a nurturing world. Having high demands isn’t an intrinsically bad thing. After all, Authoritative parents also have high demandingness. The problem is that there’s no aspect of responsiveness, or warmth, to balance it. Kids with Authoritarian parents may have lower self-esteem, more mental health problems, challenges making connections with others, and do more poorly in school. (FYI- the comparison is always to kids who have Authoritative parents.)

        What is the Permissive parenting style


        Parents who have low demandingness and high responsiveness fall into this Permissive style. There are a million examples of this, but one of the best I can think of is from Harry Potter. I’m specifically thinking about the Dursley’s.

        If you’re not familiar with the series, there’s an aunt and uncle who place absolutely no demands on their son, Dudley, and indulge his every whim. As you may expect, Dudley is a bully and the epitome of a spoiled brat.

        This example is pretty extreme, and they would be pretty far out on the spectrum of parenting styles. But I figured it was best to stick with a fictional example.


        Sometimes, at least in western cultures, this can seem like the easy route to take. It’s the path of least resistance. Maybe our kids are whining in the store, so we cave and get whatever they were whining about. (No judgement- we’ve all been there. But it’s a bad habit to get into). When we do things like this, we’re not placing demands on them, like good behavior, but we are highly responsive to their wants (because we’re giving them whatever they’re whining about). It’s not a winning recipe.

        So the pro is that it makes life easier for you as the parent. It’s not a pro for the kid. Weird pro. I was stretching for that one.


        The consequences for parenting with a permissive style is having kids who are entitled, who may have poor self-control, who are less independent, and who lack tenacity and resiliency. They haven’t been raised to be able to problem-solve on their own, and may continue running back to you to ‘fix things.’

        Permissive parenting is such a sneaky style, because it lures us in. We can think that we’re doing the right thing because we’re responding to our kids needs. They’re happy, after all.

        And even low demandingness can sneak up on us, appearing as an attitude of “It’s fine- it’s faster if I just do it myself.” We all know that we could do the tasks we give our kids better and faster. But that’s not the point.

        The point is to place those demands on our kids to teach them critical life-skills. And while they’re learning and growing they get a chance to develop their self-esteem!

        What is the Neglectful parenting style


        Neglectful parenting is pretty straight-forward. Low demandingness and low responsiveness.

        It’s pretty easy to think of examples of the extreme of this style.

        So I’d challenge you to think about what it’s like more toward the center of the continuum.

        What if we re-framed this as Uninvolved instead of “Neglectful”?

        Neglectful parenting can come around in some benign ways. Maybe you’re crazy busy with work or other things during this season of your life, and you just don’t have time to spend with your kid. It’s possible that you don’t even share the same house as your kid. Or you could be fighting your own battle with mental health. For whatever reason, you are just unable to show up for your kid.

        And because your time of being with your kid- physically or mentally- is limited, it’s easy not to engage. They may have their physical needs provided for, but you don’t have time to either respond to their needs or check that your expectations are being met. Everyone is just coasting. But not in a good way.


        I don’t think I can write a single positive about this one.


        Abundant. This is hands down the parenting style that produces the most negative outcomes for kids. These kids have the worst school and mental-health outcomes. Essentially, they feel unloved and unsupported, and will act out accordingly.

        Examples of the 4 Types of Parenting Styles

        Examples are always a nice way to really see a concept in action. So let’s explore how a parent from each of the 4 types of parenting styles might respond to a typical challenge.

        Please, know there is no judgement here. We can’t run a race until we find the starting line. If you see yourself in any of these examples, just know that’s where your starting line is!

        Let’s pretend that you’re getting ready to make dinner. You’ve just told your kids you need 20 minutes to put everything together, so you need them to play nicely together without you until you call them for dinner.

        No less than 5 minutes later- while your hands are covered in chicken (of course!)- they start screaming. The older one is bossing the younger one, and the younger one is literally just shrieking. You think you hear that they’re fighting over a toy. Again. (I should also establish in this scenario that they are actually old enough that the expectation they play together for 20 minutes without your intervention is developmentally appropriate.)

        Neglectful parent:

        You feel completely irked that you’re trying to make dinner –for them– and they can’t even follow one simple request. You turn up your music or podcast louder, and figure they’ll just work it out between themselves. You are not getting involved in this one.

        There was no follow-through on the demand that they get along, so that was low demandingness. And obviously the choice to turn up the speakers was a choice to not be responsive to their needs.


        You sigh. It was nice hoping that they could entertain themselves, but you didn’t really think it work out. You wash your hands off right away, and go up and separate the kids. You listen to each kid attentively, give each one a hug, and ask if they would like to come over and watch tv instead while you get dinner ready. You’re pretty sure they’ll like that better, and it’ll still buy you time to make dinner.

        You were responsive to their needs, but also lacked any follow-through on the request to get along for 20 minutes, so there was a low level of demandingness.


        You walk over to your kids, yell at them for not being able to play together even for just a few minutes. You grab the toy, and take it with you, saying, “If you can’t share it, no one gets it.”

        In this example, note that there was not a moment when you tried to understand the scenario and what was going on (low responsiveness). You were focused on the rule-breaking (high demandingness).


        You listen carefully for 2 more minutes. You know in the past they’ve worked things out before. It becomes apparent to you that the situation is escalating, and they are not going to do that this time.

        You wash your hands off and go to your kids, calmly. You ask for each kid’s perspective, and essentially find out this is a sharing problem. The younger one grabbed the toy, the older one grabbed it back, and is now refusing to share (and is giving a diatribe about why s/he shouldn’t have to). You help them calm down and ask each of them how they could’ve handled the situation better. You give them the chance to apologize to each other, and then calmly- but firmly- enforce the consequence for screaming at their siblings/not sharing. You then return to making dinner.

        Which parenting style is the most effective?

        Hopefully, by now it’s obvious that the answer is, emphatically, Authoritative.

        Kids with Authoritative parents have the best outcomes. There is a balance between having expectations placed on them, so they have the opportunity to grow and develop self-worth. And the knowledge that home is a safe place to land. A kid with these sort of advantages couldn’t help but grow to their full potential!

        But it can also be the most challenging of the 4 types of parenting styles for the parent to master. In the examples, you may have noticed that there was no easy way out for the Authoritative parent. The other parents went to their kids (or not) and dealt with the problem quickly. In order to maintain the Authoritative parenting style, that mom will need some exceptional self-care skills.

        The Wrap-Up

        So now you know the basic parenting styles, and that there are really only two factors you need to measure your parenting with. Responsiveness and demandingness. It’s really as basic as that!

        So take another look at the examples, and see if you can figure out which areas you might need to work on.

        Let me know in the comments which of the 4 types of parenting styles you naturally gravitate towards! What steps do you take to move towards being a more Authoritative parent?

        And make sure to sign-up for our weekly(ish) newsletter so you can be on the lookout for our upcoming articles about self-care, and raising your levels of demandingness and/or responsiveness.

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        My Problem with Positive Parenting

        My Problem With Positive Parenting

        I have a confession. In high school, I was not a cool kid.

        Maybe you can relate?

        I did NOT wear the ‘right’ kind of clothes, or have the right ‘look’. I didn’t wear brand names, I didn’t look like I effortlessly rolled out a catalog. (Not that clothes were going to help me! I played trombone and was in drama- not exactly a recipe for a cool kid. In retrospect, I wouldn’t change it. But, I digress.)

        There was always this little voice in the back of my head, “If you just had a shirt from that store in the mall that doesn’t even carry your size, you’d look better.” “Why don’t you wake up a half hour early to do your hair? People would like you more!” And so on.

        This voice made me feel like if I could look like everyone else, that would be my armor. I would have more friends. It would make me a better person. And maybe I would like myself more.

        I know I wasn’t the only one.

        The Branding of Parenting Advice Is Doing the Same Thing to Us

        Now that we’re all grown up, there is a different type of peer pressure.

        We’ve only traded one thing for another. Raising our kids was already a monumental task- but now there’s the peer pressure to look good doing it!

        It’s human nature to look around and compare yourself to the people around you. For better or worse.

        And a lot of what we see when we look around right now looks like parents who are caving to their kids. Moms are suddenly reluctant to say “no!” and have jumped on the Positive Parenting band-wagon.

        So, naturally, because there’s always that little piece of the high schooler lingering in all of us, we start wondering if that’s what we should be doing, too! Nevermind that it’s completely opposite our personality. How quickly we forget that fit is everything.

        What Does “Positive Parenting” Mean?

        Just so we’re clear on what I’m talking about, Positive Parenting is a set of beliefs and tools about how to parent your kid. Instead of just choosing your own, it’s kind of like a gift set.

        The focus is on developing a strong relationship between the parent and child, fostered by communication and mutual respect. The goal is to ultimately train kids to have self-discipline, through teaching them the ‘why’ (and not just “because I said so”).

        3 of the main tenets of Positive Parenting are that 1. Rules and consequences are laid out, discussed often, and followed through. 2. Parents focus on helping children internalize discipline, rather than obey orders based on fear of punishment, in order to develop self-discipline. And 3. Parents use active listening to understand children’s thoughts. This allows parents to correct misunderstandings or mistaken links of logic. (This is all essentially quoted from this reference.)

        So What Is My Problem With Positive Parenting?

        Honestly, everything I just described is a good thing! So you might think I’m crazy to have any problem at all with it.

        But accurately utilizing Positive Parenting is challenging. These tenets and goals are really really hard tasks to accomplish, and take a lot of training for the parent to get it right.

        You need to question if you’re willing to train properly for this, otherwise you’ll be practicing some sort of off-brand of positive parenting, which is likely to do more harm than good.

        And there’s also the question of whether or not these tenets actually align with our values. I’ll be straight with you. There’s a certain level of “it’s my way or the highway” in my house. I need my kids to practice obedience quickly and without a discussion. It’s not for everything, but it’s an example of a value that would bump up against the values that Positive Parenting assumes you have.

        You know what happens when you put on jeans that are all wrong for your body type? Everything hangs out in the wrong place, and you end up doing that weird wiggly dance to make them sit right?

        When you choose a parenting brand to follow because it pops up on your Pinterest feed, and everyone else is doing it- NOT because it aligns with your personality, goals and values- you’re doing the same thing.

        The Dangers of Positive Parenting

        It’s not just Positive Parenting. It’s all the different ‘brands’’ and labels for parenting that I have a problem with.

        There’s not anything inherently wrong with them, but from my perspective, as a family therapist and a mom, I’m concerned they do more harm than good.

        There are a lot of ‘should’s’ and pressures that parents put on themselves to become the ‘ideal’ parent.

        And that’s even before we’re surrounded by a lot of well-meaning people who are saying, “Hey, this brand of parenting worked for me- everyone else should do it too!”

        I’m concerned when I see articles like “What to do when positive parenting is just too draining” start popping up all over the place.

        It breaks my heart to think of all these moms who are trying their best and BELIEVING that they’ve failed!

        The Shaming

        Although it is unintentional, these brands have contributed to the shaming of parents, and made them feel less-than. This can happen either because you’ve tried X Brand of parenting, and it didn’t work for you. Or you spent so much time trying to make yourself (a square peg) fit in the round hole that it made you feel like you’ve failed as a parent.

        Or maybe you haven’t ‘officially’ tried any of these styles. But you’ve quietly asked yourself, “If I’m not doing Attachment Parenting, does that mean I’m not attached to your child?”

        If you’re not a positive parent, are you automatically considered to be a negative parent? If you’re not doing all these things, does it mean you’re harsh, or disconnected, or unresponsive?

        NO! There is danger in those labels.


        Attachment parenting, peaceful parenting, positive parenting, gentle, mindful, connected, etc. parenting. These are all just different sets of tools that you can use. They are not something to build your worth as a parent around. They don’t have to define you.

        If you were going to build a deck, you’d need a different set of tools than if you’re going to fix a car. Each kid is a different ‘project’ and is going to require slightly different tools.

        You, as the builder, will also have certain preferences for tools; maybe you prefer metal tools, or a plastic grip-y handle, or even a pink handle! Each parent is the same; you have individual preferences which need to be reflected in the tools you choose.


        In short, of course they can. BUT-these different brands of parenting are not a one-size fits all thing.

        One of the greatest impacts on success (whether it is for a medication trial, or therapy, or pretty much anything else) is whether or not you believe it will work. Essentially, it’s the placebo effect.

        So, if you head into any of these brands thinking they will change your life, it probably will. But if you head into it feeling skeptical or unsure, odds are that it will not work for you.

        I’m not saying these styles don’t have worth. They do. And if you combined all of them, there’s no telling how many millions of kids and parents they have helped.

        If you are part of the many, many people who find value in these parenting styles, as Amy Poehler would say, “Good for you. Not for me.”

        But rest assured, it’s not for everyone. And there’s nothing wrong with you if you tried, and it just didn’t work.

        If you are wondering if you could just naturally parent, without having to overthink it, read on.

        The Good News

        You don’t have to be a follower of any of the particular brand to be a good parent. It’s not the only way. (And, you don’t have to adhere to a particular ‘brand’ in full- you are allowed to borrow the tools that seem most useful for you!)

        We get personalized make-up boxes, clothing, and dinners delivered to our doors. Why do we need to settle for a brand of parenting somebody else has created? Spoiler alert- we don’t!

        YOU can create your own style of parenting, based on your personality, your tendencies, and your kids. Instead of trying to strictly adhere to the tenants of a certain type of parenting, focus on learning about yourself in depth, and then doing the same for each of your kids.

        What are the 4 types of Parenting Styles

        There are 4 types of parenting styles, according to research. They are categories your natural parenting tendencies can fall into. Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive and Uninvolved.

        They are easiest to see on a graph, with two continuums, demanding vs non-demanding, and responsive vs non-responsive.

        Nearly all of today’s ‘brands’ are tools to help people stay in the Authoritative quadrant. In the graphic below, the vertical axis represents the responsive continuum, and the horizontal axis represents the demanding continuum.

        Like I said, these 4 types of parenting have been heavily researched, and the evidence shows that Authoritative parenting produces the best outcomes. And what I really love about this is that research shows this is true even across cultures!

        Authoritative parents produce kids with higher self-esteem, better self-control and the ability to regulate emotions, better academic outcomes, greater empathy and general social skills.

        One of the things that drives me the most crazy is that all these different brands of parenting position themselves as being the only way to be an Authoritative parent.

        But the reality is that there is still a spectrum of what being an Authoritative parent looks like.

        Responsive And Demanding

        You could be a fairly demanding parent, and have extremely high expectations for your kids. But as long as you’re balancing it with a very healthy dose of responsiveness, it works!

        Or you could be an easier going parent, and balance a what-will-be-will-be sort of attitude with healthy expectations.

        So then you’re closer the center of the chart. But you’re still an Authoritative parent. The point is- there are a lot of different ways to get this right.

        Just like I wish I could yell at my high-school self and say, “You don’t have to look like everyone else! Just do you!” I want to scream from my roof, “Find the parenting practices that work for you, put your soul at ease, and bring joy to your family! Don’t worry what everyone else is doing!”

        So What’s the Solution?

        The goal is to parent in an authoritative way, with your own personal style. You actually already have your own style; you just need to figure out if it’s the style you want.

        If you want to figure out what your natural style is, think about how you parent on your best days and on your worst days. Those are the two extremes of your natural style, and your typical behavior should fall in the middle. You could use the words listed in the graphic describing ‘responsive’ and ‘demanding’ to help

        What style do you rely on when your other resources are depleted (worst day)? What style are you aspiring to raise your kids with (best day)?

        If you’re struggling to think about this abstractly, try observing yourself for a bit. React naturally for a few days or a week, and watch your behaviors (don’t try to change them yet- just be observant). I’m a huge believer in data gathering- so write this information down! Sometimes we can only see the truth when it’s literally in front of us.

        In short, you can find your current parenting style by:

        1. Thinking about your best and worst days.

        2. Observing your own parenting

        3. Keep track of your behaviors

        Wrap Up

        You don’t have to be like everyone else. You are unique. You are exactly who your kids need you to be. Instead of chasing the next thing (or your Pinterest feed) lean in that.

        You know that balancing demandingness and responsiveness is the gold standard of Authoritative Parenting. You can grab the tools you need, as you need them, taking the time to evaluate them as you go.

        If you’re not feeling confident that you’re an authoritative parent, we even have a system for discovering what type of parenting style you use. Parenting with a Plan is a good place to start if you think you might want to tweak what you’re currently doing.

        If you’re looking for some practical parenting ideas, sign up for my email list and get weekly ideas sent right to your inbox!

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        Parenting With A Plan

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        Parenting Could Be The Most Important Thing You Do With Your Life

        Parenting is a big job, and a huge responsibility. Many of us view it as the most consequential thing they may ever do with their lives. So, it’s no wonder so many of us wonder, “Am I doing this right?”

        It’s a hard question to answer, largely because there is no one right way. The ‘right way’ can even differ between kids in the same family!

        So how do you get ahead of the proverbial 8-ball, instead of always playing catch up? Create a plan. Know where you’re going, and then make a path.

        Just like GPS directions when you’re driving somewhere new. You start with where you are (your current location), enter your destination, and choose which route you’d like to take. You can even design your own route, based on your knowledge of the area. But typically, you don’t start just driving, and hope you’re going in the right direction. Parenting works the same way.


        Parenting with a plan means that you have developed the framework of your parenting so you’re not just throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.

        Parenting with a plan is accepting that you won’t be able to do everything as a parent, and therefore have established priorities.

        This allows you to have consistency, which is one of the most important parts of parenting. Think of how crazy it’ll drive you if you’re doing one behavior modification plan this week, and then something different next week!

        Consistency is important because your kids need to know what to expect from you; and it’s exhausting for you to keep re-working the wheel. It’s best if you find something you believe in and stick with it.

        The destination and path you choose aren’t as important as your conviction that this is the right fit for you. That’s why there are as many different ways of parenting as there are parents- this is all based on your values and personality and choices.

        Benefits of Consistency

        Once you are settled in your parenting methods, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of having established consistency. During the tumultuous times of life you’ll be able to turn to your plan, and rely on the strategies you’ve developed and the knowledge that you’re following your values.

        There is a ton of research demonstrating that kids do best when they have some predictability and routine in their lives. This begins with you. It doesn’t mean that you have to be living through “Ground Hogs Day,” but in general, kids should know what your reaction to their behavior will be. Your behavior needs to be predictable.

        By having a predictable personality and responding to your child in a predictable way, you are helping to create a safe space for them. They will gain independence through this; because they know that you can be relied on for consistency, they can handle other parts of their life being new, spontaneous, and different.

        HOW to start Parenting your own way?

        We can all agree that having some sort of plan sounds good- but how do you go about choosing and enacting one? There are a few steps, but it all starts with knowing yourself, and who you are as a parent. If you are parenting with anyone else (like a spouse or partner), it would be ideal to involve them in these steps, too.

        1. Identify your parenting values

        A good way to go about this is to make a list of all the things that are important to you as a parent. Another way to this about this is to ask yourself, who do you hope your child becomes as they grow up? Be honest with yourself- there are no right or wrong answers. Once you’ve taken some time- this could take a few days as you mull it around and come back to it now and then- try and prioritize your values so you can identify your top 5 or so.

        2. Choose your top priority value, and a coordinating behavior to address first

        It’s best to choose just one are to tighten-up at a time so you don’t stretch yourself too thin. For example, a common highly rated value is respectfulness. A behavior that you may want to address, based on that value, could be talking-back, eye-rolling, not listening, or general attitude. If you’re feeling like there are too many things to work on, make a list, but don’t be tempted to work on more than one behavior at a time.

        3. Develop a plan to address this behavior

        Discuss with your partner, or a trusted friend, what the new behavior should be. Also, plan what the reward and consequence will be. Make sure the reward and consequence are things that you can actually implement and are willing to be consistent with. (Remember, consistency doesn’t mean perfection- you just need to aim for 80% +  of the time.) Then, once the adults are on the same page, announce the changes to your child. A family meeting can be a nice time to introduce this, but remember to keep the announcement brief. This is not a 2-way conversation, or a long-winded lecture.

        4. Address this one behavior for 1-2 months

        It actually takes 60 days to establish a habit- IF it’s being done consistently. So, that means it if took a few days or a week for your child to change their behavior, you need to ‘start the clock’ from that point if you want this new behavior to become habit.

        While you’re introducing this new change, try to strike a balance with enforcing your other rules; don’t throw them out the door, but try to not become overly strict with the established rules, either. Your other rules should be a habit at this point, and not something that your kids spend a lot of time or energy trying to keep up with. If you’re having trouble seeing progress, think about keeping a weekly journal where you can track some of your insights and observations.

        5. Rinse and Repeat

        Once this new behavior is ingrained, repeat steps 2-4.

        Self-Care Is Critical

        Lastly, please make sure to take care of yourself. You’ve heard this before, but there’s a reason it’s discussed with regularity. Implementing a parenting plan will work best if you are at the top of your game. Make it a priority to get what you need to be at your best; it may go beyond making sure you have a healthy lifestyle. Some examples are: be connected with your spiritual life, have a social outlet, workout, use your brain, have the chance to express yourself artistically. Taking some time for yourself is not selfish- it’s necessary and beneficial for your family.

        You Get What You Give

        Parenting with a plan will require some work upfront, but it will pay off quickly. You may even be able to avoid some of the distractions on the journey by being focused on your destination! You’ll feel confident in the direction you’re heading.

        So, what can you gain from some extra focus? Where does your plan begin? Share in the comment section below!

        Further Reading

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        Better Behavior This Christmas

        Better Behavior This Christmas

        Stop The Insanity!

        It’s no secret that kids are not on their best behavior in December. Despite (or because of) the lure of presents and treats, most kids are bouncing off the walls, becoming whinier than usual, and just generally driving their parents up a wall. 

        Sure, you’ve tried the, “Santa’s watching, so you better be good” standby. But it’s not great; it just doesn’t feel right. That’s because A) it’s actually kinda creepy when you stop to think about it, B) it does nothing to change kid’s behavior, C) it keeps the focus of Christmas on Santa/receiving gifts, and D) it doesn’t change your behavior.





        A Better Way to Better Behavior

        So this year, may I suggest a happier, more joyful, gentler way of getting your kids to behave? It’ll help you nag less, and change the way you interact with your kiddos, too. AND (huge bonus) it helps re-focus Christmas back on Jesus! 

        All you have to do is create a small manger, and fill it with straw for Jesus in time for Christmas! (It’s ok- I’m not crafty either, it can be as simple as a shoebox and yarn.) You could call it “Fill the Manger” or “Straw for Jesus.” If you come up with a clever name, let me know! (Credit to Kendra Tierney for introducing me to this twist on a token reward system.)


        HOW to Start

        First, the materials. You’ll need some yellow yarn, and a shoe box. That’s really it, but you can get fancier if you want from there.

        1. Introduce it to kids by telling them their goal is to fill the manger with straw for Jesus by Christmas Eve so he has somewhere soft to lay down.
        2. They can get this straw by doing good, kind, helpful, or generous things. 
        3. Remember to dole out the yarn/straw.

        It’s super simple, but I love this system for so many reasons. And not just because token systems are a very effective tool for behavior management. And once you start seeing all the benefits, I know you’ll love it, too!


        Why “Fill the Manger” Is Such A Great System

        Better sibling relationships. If you have more than one kid, you’re creating a team that is working toward a shared goal. What a great way to build sibling relationships!

        You make it work for you. I like leaving the rules of how you get yarn super vague by only saying, “Do good things.” That way you have as much discretion and wiggle room as you want! You can even give lengths of yarn that are bigger, based on what your kid actually did. I’ve given yarn/straw for things as simple as listening the first time, and doing chores without being asked. I’ve also had the chance to reward kids for going WAY above and beyond (and you should’ve seen his eyes when I produce a 3′ piece of yarn!) 

        Finding the good. One of the nicest things about this system is that it will change the way you relate to your kids. Yes, you will still have to redirect them, etc. But you’ll find yourself looking for the good in your son or daughter. Even them just doing what’s expected of them, without drama, is considered rewardable behavior! 

        Reward them as much as you want! Since you’re just giving out lengths of yarn, you can be as generous as you want. No worries about cost, or spoiling your kids, or their teeth rotting because of allllll the Christmas cookies! 

        There’s nothing to worry about. There’s no stuffed elf to move every night, or worrying that your kids will figure out how Santa really delivers all those toys. I’m not trying to be a Scrooge- that special Christmas ‘magic’ is what makes this time so wonderful in many of our memories! But it’s nice to have a few traditions that aren’t shrouded in mystery! 


        Enjoy Your Kids Again

        Once you start this new tradition, you will absolutely notice better behavior in your kids. (Not to mention, your voice will be less hoarse since you’re not hollering at them about Santa, or that elf, watching them all the time!) Christmas-time will never be the same, again!


        If you would like more fun ideas, that you can actually use in your real life , sign-up for the newsletter below! Hope to talk to you soon!




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        Avoiding Holiday Stress for Parents

        Happy Holidays?

        Or Holiday Stress?

        We all want to preserve the holidays as a happy time for our kids, so they can look back and have fond memories. So every year we spend an incalculable amount of time dreaming, planning and putting together these magical moments.

        But what about your happy memories? When you look back on the last couple year’s holidays, are they happy? Or just a blur of things-to-do and exhaustion. How often do you get to Christmas, and just wish it would be over already.

        That is not a recipe for a Happy Holiday. Christmas and Thanksgiving are a time to celebrate, enjoy some family togetherness, and maybe, even some peace.

        Avoiding Stress In The Chaos

        For many families, the holidays are anything but peaceful. The Christmas chaos seems like it’s a given. There are a million holiday parties to schedule around, recitals and school productions, gifts to find, make and wrap, and special meals to plan and prepare.

        And, there are tricky family situations to navigate.

        So often, when we’re talking about family, it feels like the choices are out of our control. How many times have you said something like, “I can’t NOT go to dinner at my mom’s! She’ll hold it against me for the whole year!”

        This is a big problem, because when we feel we don’t have a choice, we often end up resenting our situation (or the person). Believing you don’t have a choice also steals your joy! And I promise, there’s always a choice. Even if it’s just between the lesser of two evils.

        Take back your choices

        We need to understand that it’s our choice to build this season up, or to enjoy it simply. It’s a choice to listen to the commercialization of the season, and believe that we need buy into allllll the trimmings that go with it.

        Stress sneaks into our lives in a bunch of different ways in November and December. Often the first step is to realize the vision we have in mind of a ‘perfect Thanksgiving’ or a ‘perfect Christmas.’

        Now, seriously assess how attainable that is. Is that even what you want? Do you want multiple social engagements every weekend, and to eat dozens of extra cookies, and to fill our house to the bursting point with extra decorations?

        What is the cost of striving for this? I’m talking about the literal financial cost, of course, as well as the emotional and physical toll.

        Set your goals for the holiday season. Pick a few meaningful things, and do them well. (Make sure you collaborate with your spouse about this, too. I guarantee they have their own thoughts about meaningful activities for Christmas and Thanksgiving.)

        Often, we feel obligated to repeat traditions from our past. But this is a chance to re-evaluate them. There is nothing wrong with saying, “That was  a beautiful time and memory for me from when I was little. But it just doesn’t make sense for what our family needs now.” Curating your family traditions is NOT disrespectful to your past.

        Tips For Avoiding Types of Holiday Stress


        Holiday Stress from Over-Scheduling:

        • Keep at least one day of the week clear from work and obligations. (Sundays are an obvious choice, but if you work a non Monday-Friday, find a different day, and keep it as clear as possible.)
        • Say NO to invitations that will cause you stress.
        • Multi-purpose your gatherings with friends. Use the time together to wrap presents, make gifts, or bake treats that will be needed for other upcoming functions.
        • Re-schedule things for January if possible.
        • Start some tasks early (like making and freezing cookie dough in large batches in November).

        Holiday Stress from Extended Family:

        • Set boundaries, and let family know as far in advance as possible about when you will be and where.
          • When setting these boundaries, it’s important to think not only about what you’ve done in the past, but what your own family currently needs.
          • If you have to explain new boundaries to family, try to phrase it so they can give you a ‘yes.’ For example, “Will you help me make this Christmas as magical and non-hurried for the kids as possible?”
        • Know your triggers, and have a plan. (I know, I just summed up years of therapy in one sentence. Talk about easier said than done!)
        • Skip the alcohol at family parties. It always sounds like it’ll help ‘take the edge off’ but usually it prevents us from being in complete control of ourselves. Bonus- you’ll feel better in the morning!
        • Prepare! Is there something you’re afraid of happening? Or being asked? Are you nervous about your kids being judged?
          • Have some pre-planned responses
          •  Prepare your kids; if you’re going to dinner at your in-laws, and are worried about your kid’s behavior you could have a ‘fancy’ practice dinner at your house first! It’s a chance to practice all those manners, and maybe earn some dessert. (You don’t have to serve anything fancy- it can be mac & cheese with a piece of fruit for dessert!)
          • If food refusal is something you’re worried about, you could try preparing a response from yourself, or giving your kid polite ways to say no thank you.

        Holiday Stress from Finances:

        • Go back to your big picture; what and why are you celebrating in the first place.
        • Establish a budget, and don’t stray from it
        • Make gifts when possible; trim the gift giving list
        • Be honest with people you might not be able to give gifts to this year. You may be surprised by people’s responses! No one wants to be a burden!

        Enjoy a Peaceful Holiday Season!

        You CAN reclaim the peace in your life this holiday season. Remember, you don’t have to do everything; just choose a few meaningful activities and do them well. Attack the holiday stress by addressing the family obligations, the over-scheduling, and the finances. And don’t forget to choose peace over stress this holiday season! After all, as the carol goes, “Let there be peace on Earth. And let it begin with me.”

        If you want more parenting tips and strategies for a happier, more peaceful home all year, make sure to sign-up for the newsletter below!

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        About Alexandria

        Alexandria is a Marriage and Family Therapist with 10 years experience, who is passionate about happy families. She is adamant that happy families start with parents who have the knowledge and tools they need, and who aren’t stressed out to the max. And she wants to help your family thrive!

        Stop Power Struggles With A Fun Way to Change A Kid’s Behavior

        If you have a single sarcastic bone in your body, you can use this tool to prevent power struggles. It’s also a fun way to help your preschooler or toddler listen, and change their behavior. And it’s easy, and doesn’t take much effort at all!

        I’m talking about reverse psychology. This little beauty is nearly magical- and you don’t even need to know Freudian Psychology to use it! 

        Let’s say that you have a toddler who is a dawdler (aren’t they all?!) but you really need them to put their shoes on by themselves, quickly, while you multitask and get everything else ready.

        Turn Power Struggles into Giggles
        You could choose to of have a power struggle with someone less than half your size. OR you could have a happy, giggly, cooperating kid. (I know which, I’d choose, but hey, if you’re into masochism, you do you.)
        So, instead of telling your kiddo, “Put your shoes on! And Mommy needs you to be quick today!” you’re going to actually tell them “Don’t put your shoes on.” 

        Turn Power Struggles into Giggles

        You could choose to of have a power struggle with someone less than half your size. OR you could have a happy, giggly, cooperating kid. (I know which, I’d choose, but hey, if you’re into masochism, you do you.)

        Instead of telling your kiddo, “Put your shoes on! And Mommy needs you to be quick today!” you’re going to actually tell them “Don’t put your shoes on.” 

        I know. Stay with me.



        The Power of Marketing

        Now, the trick to this is the same trick for anything toddler related. It’s ALL about the marketing. If you really want them to change their behavior, you’ve got to sell this.

        Start by putting their shoes right in front of them. It’ll make it even more tempting, and less likely that they get distracted by something else. Then lay it on thick. “Sweetie, I’ll be right back to put your shoes on. I knooooow you don’t like to do it, so I don’t want you, under any circumstance, to put your shoes on. Don’t even think about it. Don’t even touch those shoes!” 


        Be Over the Top

        If they’re not giggling before you leave the room, you need to lay it on thicker. “Oh! I see you’re being suuuuch a good listener!! You are soooo good to not put those shoes on! I don’t even know what I’d do if I came back and you had them on!”

        If you’re one of those awesome people who can make their eyes twinkle, you should do that while you’re saying this. We need to make sure they understand to listen to our non-verbal cues, and not the words we’re saying.


        Mixed Messages?

        Obviously, we’re sending two different messages, but that’s the great part! Don’t worry too much about it. Kids are incredibly intuitive, and they are excellent at interpreting their parents.

        We’ve turned this normal, every day task into a game. So you’re building relationship with your kid, and spending quality time with them, and getting them to put their darn shoes on! It’s a win-win-win.

        We’re able to stop power struggles with this because we’ve created a Catch-22 where you have all the power! You’ve told them to put on their shoes, and to NOT put on their shoes.

        So, regardless of the outcome, your kid ACTUALLY LISTENED TO YOU! No more power struggle. You are firmly back in charge.

        Say that Jane didn’t put her shoes on. Well then, you actually have nothing to be angry about, because she listened to you. Plus, with all the joking and giggles and smiles, it’ll be hard to be angry. 

        And if she did put her shoes on, then she’s done what you wanted. We’re happy and can continue peacefully with the day!



        For older kids, it doesn’t work as well to be so over the top. So this is definitely a tool to use with the littler ones. 

        Also, you don’t want to use this as your only behavior modification tool. But it is great for a ‘quick fix’ or for small problem times, like getting out the door. 


        If you want to learn about other ways to help manage your kid’s behavior, and avoid power struggles, make sure to sign-up below for the weekly newsletter!

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        About Alexandria

        Alexandria is a Marriage and Family Therapist with 10 years experience, who is passionate about happy families. She is adamant that happy families start with parents who have the knowledge and tools they need, and who aren’t stressed out to the max. And she wants to help your family thrive!

        Social Skills For Kids Who Are Introverts

        Introverts Are Great

        I need to explain that I am not here to ‘fix’ kids from being introverts. It’s an enduring- and wonderful- personality trait! These kids are often deep thinkers, evaluaters and good listeners, which I think are all traits to be admired.

        But because they are not as likely as their extroverted peers to seek out social interaction, it is common for introverted kids to have less developed social skills. And while it’s fine to prefer some solitude instead of a general ruckus, I want these kiddos to be on equal footing with the extroverts. Because human beings were designed to live in community; we need each other. So we all need solid social skills to be able to effectively interact with other people.

        We all want our kids to be successful adults. And whether you measure that by your kid having a successful career, or stable and meaningful relationships, social skills are key. It has long been established that extroverts earn more money, most likely because those individuals are comfortable with communication in group settings, and are then perceived to be leaders. And it should go without saying that communication is essential to healthy relationships.

        Social Skills Are A Learned Skill

        Let me make this analogy. If there were a kid who doesn’t know how to stand on one foot, I would make sure he or she develops the skill. Not because I particularly care if this child stands around like a flamingo, but because I know there are additional skills built on top of the ability to balance and stand on one foot (like getting dressed while standing up, and going up the stairs with alternating feet, for example). Standing on one foot is a pre-requisite skill.

        Basic social skills are the same way. If you don’t help kids develop these stepping-stone skills, big social skills (like interviewing or presenting) seem that much more out of reach.So let’s set these kids up for success!

        Social Skills For Kids Who Are Introverts

        1. Manners

        Manners are critical to social skills. They are the oil that helps everything keep rolling smoothly. Parents are often quick to teach ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ but don’t forget about other phrases like, “May I…?” and if they were at a friend’s house “Thank you for having me over.”

        2. Respond

        One quality of introverts is that they tend to be critical thinkers, so if you ask a kid a question, he/she may not respond because they’re busy thinking! The good news is that we, as their parents, can teach them that they need to always respond to a question. And if they don’t have their final answer, they can use a response like, “Let me think about that” or “I need a minute.”

        3. Respond with an ‘and’

        This is one of those social skills that can really help draw out those introverted kids! If someone asks your kid, “Are you having a nice summer?” how likely is it that they just say “Yes” or some other one word answer? (I feel like I can see heads nodding!!) So, we can teach them to say “Yes, AND I like going to the beach” or “No, AND I’ve been sick this summer.” Especially if you’re going to a family reunion, or some other function where you know they’ll be asked these sorts of questions, you could think about coaching your kid to come up with a few canned answers.

        4. Eye contact

        Kids (introverts AND extroverts) can be notorious for speaking to us while looking the completely opposite way. I get that looking someone in the eye can be hard. And if there’s a power-differential, like when they’re addressing an adult, it can be especially challenging. But physically speaking towards the person you’re speaking to is a critical skill. If they’re especially intimidated by making eye-contact, there’s always the age old trick of looking at someone’s eyebrows!

        5. Follow-up question

        This is a skill that will have everyone raving about how charming and personable your child is. When was the last time a 9 year old asked you how you are? That sort of poise tends to knock some socks off!
        It’s a hard concept for some kids to organically grasp, because they’re still developmentally in a very egocentric state. To put it bluntly, other people’s life experiences isn’t something many kids think about. This is another one of the social skills where you can coach kids, and prepare them with a few planned questions. Even just “How are you?” is wonderful questions for a kid to be asking. You can practice this skill at the dinner table, with everyone asking each other questions like, “How was your day?” (Having a few planned questions can also be a handy trick for many adults!)

        Social Skills for Introverts Only?

        This list of social skills is not exclusive to introverts. Extroverts certainly need to learn manners, too. But each personality- and each individual- has their own strengths and weaknesses. So this list of social skills is meant to help kids who are introverts with areas that tend to be challenges.

        Extroverts still can have many challenges when it comes to social skills, but they are often slightly different than the ones mentioned above.
        Use these tips to slowly coach your kiddo, and see if you notice a difference. The Free Social Skills PDF is right below, and will definitely help you in that process.

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        How Much Quality Time Do Kids Need?

        How Much Quality Time Do Kids Really Need?

        Quality Time Can Come With A Lot Of Stress

        There is immense pressure on us as parents to spend as much time as possible with our kids. AND to have that time filled with amazing activities and quality time.

        The incredible thing is- we’re spending twice the amount of time with our kids than the parents of 1975. And it’s driving a lot of parents to the breaking point. Working parents feel stressed and guilty for not having as much time with their kids, and stay at home parents are exhausted by the endless attempt to engage with kids all day. No one is winning.

        But how much quality time do we need to actually be spending with our kids per day? What if I told you that you could hack the quality time system to make it enjoyable for everyone? You can- just by zeroing in on what your kid needs, so you can drop all the extras, and ditch the stress. Wouldn’t that be the dream?! Happy kids AND happy parents!

        Personally, the goal for me is to see quality time as something I want and get to do with my kid. If it’s something I’m measuring, or counting, or worrying about, I’ve missed the point.

        Research on Quality Time Shows the Unexpected

        This study from the Journal of Marriage and Family revealed that the sheer amount of time we’re spending with our 3-11 year olds IS NOT making a difference in their outcomes. The researchers measured time moms spend with their kids- both time that moms are accessible to their kids, and times that they are engaged with them. They found no link between the amount of time (accessible OR engaged)  spent with kids and their behavioral health, emotional health, or academic performance.

        Despite this research, I DO BELIEVE that quality time with our kids matters. My takeaway from all the research is that:

        • Quality is better than quantity.
        • It takes less quality time than we think to make a difference in our kids’ lives.
        • Time with dad, or both parents, is important, too.

        So How Much Quality Time Do Kids Actually Need With Their Parents?

        I know this is going to sound low to you, so prepare yourself. My recommendation is 30 minutes. And to do it in a low-pressure, stress-free way. It may not seem like much, especially if you’ve been pressuring yourself to put in hours a day. But releasing yourself from that stress will make this time more enjoyable, and even more beneficial to your kiddo! Here are some useful ideas to help you successfully incorporate quality time with your kid into your life.

        1. Break the 30 minutes of quality time up into chunks

        One way to do it would be to have 10 minutes in the morning, before work/daycare/school, 10 minutes after school/work, and 10 minutes at/after dinner.

        2. Regular, daily family-life counts as quality time

        IF you’re engaging with your kid, on their level, grocery shopping, family dinner, even folding the laundry can count! Quality time can absolutely be found in mundane moments of life.

        3. Build Up To It

        It can be hard to start any new routine, so if 30 minutes sounds like an immense amount of time that will put you over the edge, go ahead and start with 5 minutes!  Just make the minutes count!

        4. You Can Give More Than 1 Kid Quality Time at Once!

        If you’re engaging with everyone, it all counts. Family game night with all 4 kids? Congrats, you rockstar, you’ve just provided ALL the kids quality time at once! In the playroom with two kiddos, simultaneously playing princess tea party and trucks?! You are knocking this out of the park! Kids are watching Netflix, while you’re in the same room, but on your phone? NOT quality time. But hey, we all need some downtime, too.

        Where Is This Pressure for More Quality Time Coming From, Anyway?

        The truth is, we came by this stress honestly. It’s the bath-water we’ve been swimming in, and most of us don’t know any differently. But there are a few different factors that got us here. And if we know the causes of our stress and overwhelm, we can fight it more effectively.

        1. Moms are viewing their children’s success differently.

        In a survey asking Millennial moms what success would look like for their child, 71% responded with answers other than professional and/or academic success. “Strong, lasting, personal relationships” and “a healthy lifestyle” accounted for 23% of the responses, each. [Rounding out the answers for the 71% of moms who will measure their children’s success by something other than work or school are, “Lasting, meaningful service to others” (7%), “Artistic or creative achievement” (6%) and “A strong spiritual/religious life” (12%).]

        More millennial moms are focusing on the long-term relationships and health of their kids. And it would seem logical that quality time should improve the chances that our kids have strong relationships and healthy lifestyles. So it’s an easy transition from that to the idea that “my kid’s healthy development- and later success in life- depends in large part on how much time they spend with me [their mom] and that I am unique and irreplaceable.” (Fun fact- in family research, this is called intensive mothering. I think the name says it all.) It might sound like a blessing and joy at first, but for many it can quickly end up feeling like a burden.

        2. Quality time as a status symbol.

        Don’t believe me? When I started research for this article, one of the first things I ran across was a CALCULATOR for measuring how much time you spend with your kids. Do you want to know the kicker? YOU COULD THEN LITERALLY COMPARE HOW YOU STACKED UP TO OTHER PARENTS!! People- we are better than that!!! Aren’t we?! When we are in contest with other parents, that’s a pretty clear indication to me that quality time is being used a measure of status. (Sorry for the rant- I’ll regain my composure soon!)

        Still don’t believe me? Try this thought experiment. Think of a mom who has the ability to spend hours with her children, creating Pinterest worthy crafts, and going on Facebook perfect vacations. What does she look like in your mind? Does she look like a fairly privileged person to you?

        3. The relationships with our kids may be the most enduring of our lives.

        The systemic fragility and decline of marriage, and the changing landscape of romantic relationships, now means that our relationships with our kids is quite possibly going to be more long lasting than the relationships with have with our spouses/partners. The focal relationship used to be between spouses, but now it’s often moms hyper-focusing on their kids.

        4. It’s literally being marketed to us!

        Think of all the Disneyland commercials, and the ads for family getaways to a-city-near-you. Think of the car commercials with the children smiling and behaving in the backseat while the family goes somewhere for some wonderful quality time together. We are constantly being told that we NEED to have quality, one-on-one time with our kids.

        I’m exhausted and overwhelmed just writing that. No wonder levels of parental stress seem like they’re at an all time high! But that’s exactly what we want to avoid. Because research has shown that kids have fewer negative behaviors at school, if dads enjoy parenting more.  And kids have better general outcomes when moms have lower stress levels.

        In Conclusion 

        There is so much pressure on parents to “perform.” But really, it would be so much better for us (and our kids) if we all just relaxed. The research shows that we’re putting in more than enough quality time. If we just focus on trying to enjoy our kids more, the rest will follow, I promise.

        If you’re ready to reduce your parenting stress, sign-up for my newsletter, where you’ll get helpful, actionable parenting tips every other week.

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        About Alexandria

        Alexandria is a Marriage and Family Therapist with 10 years experience, who is passionate about happy families. She is adamant that happy families start with parents who have the knowledge and tools they need, and who aren’t stressed out to the max. And she wants to help your family thrive!

        What I Stand For

        What do you stand for?

        Last week, literally everyone in my house was sick with Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. There were 104 degree fevers, strep throat, and ear infections. If you’ve never had this plague sweep through your house, I pray it never does. It’s one of those horrendous bugs that lasts forever. It’s not some quick little 24-hour flu (although I’m not wishing that on anyone, either).

        So, to cut to the chase, I spent a lot of time last week being stressed and then getting angry about the general situation, and then building on that with all those “and another thing!” thoughts, to create a truly delightful downward spiral. I’m sure I was a joy to be around.

        BUT. Then I heard a sentence that literally turned everything around. “It’s easy to say what you’re against. But what are you for?”

        “It’s easy to say what you’re against. But what are you for?”

        I love the power of language.  What am I for? It was such a complete change of mindset! It stopped all the negativity in it’s tracks. I’ve been creating my list of all the parenting and family related things I’m for all week. I’ve been adding to it, and listening to what some of the other people in my life stand for, too. So, without further ado…

        What do I stand for?

        I’m for kids playing outside.

        I’m for coffee.

        I’m for sharing the opportunity to have a relationship with God with kids.

        I’m for parents who know what they need to find balance in their families.

        I’m for real-life parenting groups.

        I’m for cloth diapers and laundry hanging outside.

        I’m for getting outside your bubble, even- especially- if it makes you uncomfortable.

        I’m for natural consequences.

        I’m for small birthday parties.

        I’m for finding educational moments in a kid’s daily life.

        I’m for vaccinations and antibiotics.

        I’m for organized sports, even if your kid isn’t athletic.

        I’m for sweets in moderation.

        I’m for kindness.

        I’m for giving people the benefit of the doubt.

        I’m for the truth.

        I’m for writing in cursive.

        I’m for letting each of your children be unique individuals, and only measuring them up to themselves.

        I’m for doing your best, knowing it won’t be perfect.

        I’m for giving yourself the grace to let some things go.

        I’m for raising kids to become adults.

        I’m for giving kids independence.

        I’m for telling my kids “no.”

        I’m for trusting my instinct.

        I’m for finding a creative outlet.

        I’m for teaching kids life skills, like cooking, cleaning and budgeting, before they move out.

        I’m for parents who prioritize their spiritual, physical and mental health.

        I’m for gardening and showing kids how food grows.

        I’m for a messy, dirty, happy childhood.

        I’m for giving kids everything they need, and only some of what they want.

        I’m for visiting the in-laws.

        I’m for kids learning how to swim

        I’m for learning from each other.

        I’m for teaching kids how to lose.

        I’m for traveling the world with kids.

        I’m for teamwork with your spouse.

        I’m for working through the tough stuff with your spouse.

        I’m for date night and leaving the kids with a sitter.

        I’m for adoption.

        I’m for diversity.

        I’m for paying things forward.

        I’m for celebrating that everyone is different, so everyone will find peace with a different type of parenting.

        I’m for parents advocating for their kids because no one else knows them better, or will do a better job.

        I’m for dads who are trying to continuously bring their A game.

        I’m for naps.

        I’m for hand-me-downs, consignment shops, and grabbing plastic toys with the ‘free’ sign on the tree lawn.

        I’m for looking at the big-picture.

        I’m for recognizing that this is a difficult and sometimes heartbreaking journey, and to pretend otherwise is a disservice.

        I’m for letting go of the small things and enjoying the moment.

        It’s been an amazing exercise.

        If you’re struggling at all to find your values as a parent, then I’d challenge you to do this. Seriously. Write it out. Share it with your spouse. Sift through it and figure out which ones carry the most weight for you. How much of what you are for actually makes its way into your life? If you’re not sure what to do once you identify your values, you can always start with my article on Parenting With A Plan. 

        So, what are you for? I’d love to hear what you stand for in the comments below!

        The Hardest Thing About Parenting

        What is the hardest thing to do?

        Ask for help.

        The stairs weren’t quite as creepy as these!

        I fell down the stairs last week. For real. I was just walking, like normal, and I totally wiped out. In front of my two little guys. It was everything I could do to not just burst into tears because of the pain. So I kind of pulled myself together, and the very next thing I did was…

        Change a diaper. I was in such pain that I was directing my toddler exactly where to lay and to bring the diaper and wipes. But I didn’t ask for help immediately. In fact, it took me 2 hours to ask for help so I could go to the ER for an X-ray.

        So why is it so hard to ask for help?

        Would you rather be the helper or the helped? Most of us are much more comfortable being the helper. But why is it that way? It’s probably a combination of things. And if we can figure out what’s stopping us, we’re one step closer to addressing it!

        Reasons it’s hard to ask for help


        We don’t want to believe we need the help of others. Or maybe we feel like we’re better than that.

        It’s admitting to failure

        Depending on how it manifests, this can actually be a subset of pride, but I think so many parents are worried about failing that I want to list it separately. If we’re fairly independent people, then the idea that you have to ask for help may signal feelings of failure. Personally, asking for help felt tantamount to admitting that I couldn’t take care of my kids, which meant I had failed at my primary job. If you can’t do it yourself, you’ve failed.

        We’re afraid of being judged for needing help

        We all have a perception of our status in a group, and you may also be aware of power dynamics. You may be reluctant to ask for help because you’re afraid it will confirm your status as the low-rung-on-the-ladder. Or maybe you’re ‘top dog’ and feel like asking for help would be calling your position into question, and even jeopardize your ability to remain on top.

        We don’t know who to ask for help

        If you’re lucky enough to have other parent friends, chances are they’re in the same boat. We don’t want to be an imposition or burden, or we’re afraid of straining our friendships by asking too much. Or maybe you are on a proverbial island, and don’t feel like you know anyone well enough to ask.

        We don’t actually know WHAT help we need

        If you’re drowning, you don’t care if a raft, a circle floatation device, a helicopter or a dolphin saves you. And you certainly haven’t done an analysis on which one will be best for your situation, so you can then place your request. You’re busy splashing around, thinking, “Gee, I wish someone would help me, I’m getting really tired over here.” When you’re in over your head in real life, it’s the same.

        We assume the answer would be no

        How many times have you ever thought that you just know someone won’t be able to help because they’re too ___ (fill in the blank here). But how many times have you told a person who needs you that you can’t help? If you truly can’t, you usually offer another suggestion. Let’s let those people be the judge of whether they can actually help or not.

        Get to the top, with a little help!

        Overcoming the challenge

        My thoughts on overcoming the challenge of asking for help all revolve around making a plan ahead of time, and reducing what’s overwhelming you. I know. I’m sorry- this does not help you in a crisis.

        Step 1

        First, find your personal blocks. What’s stopping you from asking for help? Was there anything that struck a chord? Make a plan to slowly address that. Take an honest look at yourself, and take some time to work through it.

        Step 2

        Simplify your life. Figure out what the things are that you’re most likely to feel like you need help with? Is it laundry? Running an errand? Doing dishes- again? Those are great examples of things we don’t usually feel like we can ask other people to do for us. Personally, I hate strongly dislike the suggestion of “lower the bar.” Trust me, if I’m worrying about laundry, that means someone doesn’t have socks to wear for tomorrow. I can’t lower that bar anymore! But if you can make a plan to simplify your life, do it! Maybe this is the week where everyone has spaghetti and marinara (from a jar) for 4 days straight, and no one dies of malnutrition. That would simplify dinner prep, AND grocery shopping! Maybe this is the month where your kids buy lunch from school so you don’t have to make it in the morning. Maybe this is the time for streamlining that bedtime routine that has somehow grown to an hour long?

        Step 3

        A lot of getting out of a crisis is just having the strength left to keep moving forward. So even if you don’t have someone who would do your laundry, you hopefully have someone who is a cheerleader in your life. Talk to that person and get a pep-talk, and then crank whatever music gets you psyched up -even if it has to be on your headphones- and go get something done.

        Step 4

        Switch your mindset to instantly reduce your overwhelm. Parenting is a 24 hour job, and many of us are up after the kids go to bed still cleaning up the house or finishing up work on the computer. But what if we weren’t completing the jobs left over from today? What if we’re simply getting ahead for tomorrow? What if, maybe around the time your kids go to bed, your to-do list magically resets. You no longer have to-dos for today; anything left undone just moves to tomorrow. So, if you’re loading the washer at 8:30pm, it’s not because you’re so far behind. You’re simply crushing it for tomorrow! And if you’re actually done with your to-do list (is that a thing?!) then choose something to do tonight that will set you up for success in the morning.

        Now get out there, and do your thing! And don’t forget to ask for help!

        If you’re looking for more help, “The Stress-Free Guide to a Happier Family: Improve Your Parenting Skills” is now available! You can also get more help delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the newsletter!

        Explaining the News to Your Kids

        News and Our Kids.

        It’s pretty much a universal truth that parents don’t love to explain the news to their kids. I’m pretty confident that parents have been trying to shield their kids from the news since the beginning of time. In every era there has been terrible information that’s anything but child-friendly. But at the risk of sounding cliche, parents today have a special challenge. According to the Times, “today’s news is “increasingly visual and shocking,” and points to the inclusion of smartphone videos and audio clips as examples.”

        And it doesn’t help that the news is everywhere. It used to be as easy as turning off the 6 o’clock news, or making sure the newspaper wasn’t lying around. But now it’s live-streaming on social networks, it’s scrolling on the bottom bar of the sports channels, it’s on the TVs at doctor’s offices. It can feel like everywhere our kids look, there is information we aren’t ready for them to have.

        News aims to keep adults aware of the events of the world.

        It was never meant to be consumed by children. Studies show that watching and reading the news increases anxiety in adults. So, it would make sense that news would have the same impact on childrens’ mental health. For kids, it may also lead to a perception that the world is a randomly dangerous place. It may reinforce a belief that adults are not trust-worthy, and are unable to keep people safe. That sounds like a pretty frightening place to live.

        WHAT CAN WE DO?

        When your son or daughter asks you the dreaded, “What does this mean?” what can the well-meaning parent do? You don’t have to lie, or pretend you didn’t hear. You CAN actually explain the news in a healthy way. All you have to do is explain what “should” happen. For example, if your son or daughter was innocently watching the college basketball tournament, they could have heard the announcers vaguely discussing Michigan State and a convicted child sexual predator. The information the commentators share is usually PG rated, but that leaves a lot to the imagination. (And we all know how vivid kids’ imagination can be!) To be clear, this happens in all sorts of news scenarios. I’m not specifically calling out this broadcast, rather, I’m using it as example.

        So, when they say, “Mom, what are they talking about with Michigan State?” all you have to do is explain (briefly) what should have happened. You can say something like, “Well, a doctor’s job is to take care of people and keep them safe and healthy. That didn’t happen in this case.” There are obviously a lot of different correct answers. You could also say that adults are supposed to keep kids safe, or everyone is in charge of their own body, and so on. You get to spin this towards your values- it’s your parental privilege! The beauty of this system is that you are focusing on the positive. The vast majority of doctors do work incredibly hard to keep their patients safe and healthy. You are showing your kid what to expect from the world.


        If your kid has already heard the full news story, or even witnessed it first hand- use Mr. [Fred] Roger’s advice. He famously said that his mother used to tell him, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” The point is, yes, terrible things happen. Unjust, unexplainable, incomprehensible things happen. But there are good people out there, and we can’t give in to despair, or start believing that all the goodness is gone from the world. Look for the helpers.

        Explain the News in a Developmentally Appropriate Way

        We want to create citizens of the world who are compassionate and knowledgeable. And cultivating a knowledge about the world, and justice is a great step towards that goal. It’s important to do it at an age appropriate level, though. Remember this: kids under the age of reason (about 7-8 depending on the child) still engage in magical thinking. They still believe in things like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, because they don’t have a well-developed sense of reality. As a parent, it is your right and privilege to teach your child. If you believe your son or daughter is ready to learn about the news in an age-appropriate way, then you have an amazing opportunity to share the world with them. When you are ready to take that step, I have 3 suggestions for making the news child-friendly:

        1. Be proactive. If you know there is a large-scale event which could come up in conversation, (devastating hurricanes, school shootings, etc.) you can address it with your kid ahead of time. Let them know what’s happening, keeping in mind their developmental ability to understand.
        2. Let them know they are safe, and that you are safe. If you are potentially in danger (i.e. in the path of a hurricane) this is an excellent time to lovingly remind them about your family’s safety plan.
        3. Be the helpers. Many kids have a very deep sense of justice, and can be easily shaken by the cruelty of the world. Assist them in finding a way to help (donate to a charity, or organize a collection for disaster victims), which will in turn help restore a sense of balance to the situation.

        It’s challenging to find that perfect balance- between sheltering your kid and helping them become aware of the world around them. But there are ways to help acclimate our kids, little by little, so we can introduce them to the world, instead of being terrified by it!  If you would like some continue encouragement, or more practical parenting tips, sign up for the weekly email! I promise to keep it brief- we’re all busy parents. But who couldn’t use a little more encouragement?!

        How to Become a More Patient Parent

        If I Just Had More Patience…

        Patience is one of the most elusive things for parents. We know- without a doubt- when our patience is gone, and it never seems to be in abundant supply! We’ve been told “patience is a virtue” and heard many parents say they’re praying for more patience. And this definition of patience really says it all:

        “Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.”

        It seems like patience is this holy grail of parenthood. Have you ever thought, “If I could just be more patient, I’d be a better mom/dad?” Or have you seen a mom at the playground and thought, “Wow. She has so much patience with her daughter. If I could do that, it would be a game changer.”

        9 Steps To Becoming a More Patient Parent

        The good news is that there are immediate, actionable steps you can take to grow your own patience. TODAY! (Just in case you’re feeling impatient to become more patient! Ha!)

        So without further ado, here is your 2-part plan.

        Part 1: Prepare Yourself

        1. Know Your Own Buttons

        Know your own buttons, and try to limit your kids ‘access’ to them. For example, if constant questions drive you up a wall, you can work on teaching them to look up answers themselves. If the idea of tolerating delay causes anxiety for you, plan for an extra 10, 20 or however many minutes you’ll need to allow for the inevitable.

        2. Practice Good Self Care

        Practice good self care. I am far from the first person to say it, but this goes back to the airplane analogy of putting on your own oxygen mask before helping the others around you. You are no good to anyone else if you have passed out because you neglected your own mask! If you are completely exhausted I can just about guarantee you are going to have a hard time being patient with your kids. The same goes if you’re hungry, or too cold or too hot, or stressed, and the list could go on. When your resources are depleted, you have nothing left to give.

        Part 2: Prepare for your specific kid

        3. Know Your Kid’s Actual Development Level

        Understanding what you can reasonably expect, and knowing what is beyond your child, can set you up for success. If you are constantly over demanding, you are going to get frustrated and your kid is going to overwhelmed. You’ll also want to keep in mind how any development or cognitive delays may affect their developmental level. Sure, you kid looks like they’re 7 (or even BE 7, chronologically), but they may only be functioning at a 5 year-old level. And, I promise, nothing will drive you crazier than expecting him or her to act like a 7 year old!

        • If you want to brush up on developmental milestones for ages 3-11, here are a couple trusted and easy to read sites. There’s the Ages and Stages of Development from California’s Department of Education. And Stanford Children’s has a good page about The Growing Child for ages 6-12.

        4. Lay Out Your Expectations and Limits

        Clearly stating your expectations, and the limits, is critical. If your kid doesn’t truly understand what they’re supposed to be doing, they won’t be able to complete the task, which will try your patience.

        Stating the limits beforehand helps because it takes the emotional aspect out of it. It’s just the facts!

        5. Make A Plan Before You’re In Crisis Mode

        If you know your kid struggles with transition, or it makes your eye start twitching when they’ve asked you the 32nd question in a row, make a plan for yourself.

        Like, leave your family a ridiculous amount of time before you leave, or develop a mantra for yourself (“curiosity is good” or whatever helps you!) You can also put a limit on things like asking 32 questions. It’s great modeling to show that you need a few minutes to re-center. Or better yet, teach your kid how to use an ‘old-fashioned’ encyclopedia!

        6. Give Choices

        But only give choices you truly mean. Once you start practicing choices you’ll start seeing that you have so many more options than you realized.

        For example, with young kids, it’s not a choice that they have to run errands with you. But you could give them the choice of which grocery cart to ride in, or they could help choose what fruit you buy (like apples vs. grapes). For older kids, it’s not a choice that they have to do their homework, but they could choose the rewarding activity they get to do afterwards in their free time (like art, music, video game, playing outside, spending special one on one time with you, etc.)

        7. Be A Cheer Leader

        Know that relentlessly cheering your kid on is faster than yelling. Saying, “Great job,  keep going!” is going to get a much better, and often quicker result than, “Come on, why are you going so slow?!”

        8. Keep Smiling

        Sometimes the simplest things are best; so keep smiling. Study after study has shown that simply smiling -even if you don’t feel happy- can trick your body into releasing chemicals in your brain which in turn actually DO make you happy. And isn’t it so much easier to be patient when you’re feeling happy?

        9. Pray

        Step back and pray (or meditate if that’s not your thing). Just taking a quick break, and connecting with something beyond yourself is a time-tested way to calm down and regain your patience.

        The Wrap Up

        I know it’s tough out there, but you can do this. Patience isn’t something you’re born with. (Think of all those crying toddlers!) It’s something we cultivate and grow. So yes, even you will be able to grow more patient over time!

        Start by recognizing your own triggers, and practicing excellent self-care. Then you can work on understanding your kid, and being clear about your expectations. Make a plan! And you can use techniques like giving choices, remaining positive, and prayer to help you along the way.

        I’d love to hear how any of these steps worked out for you- let me know in the comments below!

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        Creating Independent Preschoolers

        The independent preschooler?

        Preschoolers (kids aged 3-5ish) are always learning new skills and trying new things. A lot of the new skills they learn are helping them gain independence. For many kids, these are headstrong years. They are learning to assert themselves. And parents are learning to give their kids a bit more space.

        Many parents greet this time in their child’s life with mixed emotions. Even those this signifies typical development, it’s easy to be a bit sad about your preschooler no longer needing your for everything.

        But the upside is that they are growing and no longer need you for everything!! They are feeding themselves, possibly getting (some of) their own food, dressing themselves, and the list could go on!

        Not every preschooler is so enthusiastic about independence. Or maybe your son or daughter is trying to assert their independence by ‘making’ you do tasks for them.

        So, to encourage them in their typical development, (and to help you re-claim 3 minutes of your life!) I have 2 quick tips. Here we go!

        2 Quick Tips for Encouraging Independence


        1. Go Slow

        My first tip is to respond s-l-o-w-l-y to all tasks you expect them to be able to do independently.

        Let’s use pouring dry cereal as an example. “Mom, can you get some cereal for me?” “Sure sweetie, but my hands are a little busy at the moment. Remember, you can get a bowl and the cereal and pour it for yourself.”

        Then take your sweet time with whatever you’re doing.

        Your goal is to have your kid get so tired of waiting for you that it’s easier to just do it themselves. So, maybe this is a good time to start a load of laundry, or sweep the floor, or take care of a younger sibling. (Or even yourself!)

        If they’re really digging their heels in, you could simply require that the bowl and box of cereal be on the counter before you pour the cereal out for them. Admittedly, this is not nearly as easy to do if you’re up against a time-crunch. But if you can, try and plan for extra time to be able to encourage an independent preschooler.


        2. Let Them Be The Expert

        Kids love knowing more than grown-ups!

        So, next time your kid asks for help with putting on their shoes and socks (for example), act a little confused about the whole process. Try opening the sock at the toe, or putting it on an ear.

        They’ll get a kick out of teaching you how to do it, and teaching a skill is the best way to make sure it’s ingrained.

        Plus, the chances are good that you’ll both finish the task with smiles on your faces!


        3. Bonus Tip for More Independent Preschoolers

        Kids move faster with encouragement than with anger.

        It may be repetitive, but do your best to be a very vocal cheerleader for them every step of the way. “Great job! You found the bowl and put it on the counter! You’re such a big kid, I knew you could do it!”

        You don’t have to be creative with your praise- just sincere. No kid has ever said, “Mom, you already said I’m great. Why don’t you try a new word?”

        Also, don’t reserve your praise for the completed task- pour it on, liberally, the whole way and your kid will be so much more motivated to keep going. We want to praise the effort, not just the result!

        When it gets a little mind-numbing, just think about how wonderful it is that your kid will have that as the soundtrack of your voice in their head.

        Let’s Hear It For Independent Preschoolers!

        There you go! Two quick tips to help encourage you and your preschooler towards greater independence. Just go slow, and let them be the expert! 

        So what’s your favorite quick tip? Have you tried any of these ‘tricks’ before? How would it impact your life if you had a more independent preschooler who could do things on their own? I’d love to hear in the comments if these worked for you, or if you think I left something out! 

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        About Alexandria

        Alexandria is a Marriage and Family Therapist with 10 years experience, who is passionate about happy families. She is adamant that happy families start with parents who have the knowledge and tools they need, and who aren’t stressed out to the max. And she wants to help your family thrive!

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