Being a calm mom can be a challenge- especially at the grocery store! So I let InstaCart do the shopping for me, so I get to avoid the grocery store fights and spend more time with my kids! #calmmom #instacart #choosingmybattles

How I Use InstaCart To Choose My Battles

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Happy 2020!

I love the New Year! It’s a beautiful time to start fresh, with enthusiasm, to make those changes we’ve been wanting to happen in our lives.

For me, remaining patient and present with my kids is an annual resolution (because there’s always room for improvement!). And one of the ways I try to accomplish this is by choosing my battles.

I try to let go of perfection, of housework, and of filling my schedule (and theirs!) to the brim- because I know nothing gets my anxiety going like a day filled with running from errand to errand. 

InstaCart has been a huge help for me with this.

In fact, it might be my favorite “mom hack” of all time.

The Right Tools to Accomplish Your Resolutions

I know, those are some pretty grand claims, but InstaCart has helped me get closer to my resolutions to remain present and patient by:

  • Being able to keep a running grocery list on the app. Out of vanilla? Just put it in the ‘cart’ and you don’t have to dedicate any more brain-space to it!
  • Being able to grocery shop when the kids are asleep. I make the list and place my order after everyone’s in bed! This gives me so much time back with my kids.
  • AVOIDING THE ENTIRE GROCERY STORE EXPERIENCE WITH TODDLERS (sorry for screaming- this can NOT be understated!)
    • No more getting sick because they’re licking the cart
    • They’re not begging for M&Ms
    • I don’t have to shush them in the store when they’re screaming about not getting M&Ms.
    • No more packing the diaper bag, bundling kids up, having them sweat and overheat in the store because we’ve been there so long, stopping the trip for an emergency potty break (even though everyone was told to go before we left), and hearing “are we done yet?” like we’re on a 10 hr drive, all while trying to follow a list and keep a rough tally of how much I’m spending in my head.
    • No more begging for Mac N Cheese because Olaf is on it
    • No more singing nursery rhymes in public the grocery store to keep my kids happy.

I’m very much in the camp that parenting is about our response to our kids, not their behavior. But geez, if I can avoid that potential quagmire of whiny behavior, and the deep breaths I’ll have to take to stay calm, why wouldn’t I?!

InstaCart to the Rescue

So instead of taking my kids out for a 2-hour excursion grocery shopping, I have the lovely people at InstaCart do that for us. My kids and I get to play, eat lunch, or even nap while our grocery shopping is being done.

And once the food has been delivered, there’s the added bonus that they haven’t been so burned out by shopping that they’ll actually help me unpack! (Or maybe it’s because I let them make forts out of the cereal boxes and canned food.)

InstaCart is an important parenting tool for me to remain patient and present with my kids.

I know it sounds dramatic, but it’s true. 

Choosing your battles isn’t just the name of the site- it’s truly a manifesto of my parenting style. And InstaCart has helped me choose one less battle each week!

Pin for later!

PS- I forgot to mention that InstaCart is a life-saver when you have sick kids! They’ll deliver all the Tylenol, soup and tea that you need! And you can try it risk-free with free delivery on your first order!

Free Delivery on Your First Order with Instacart!

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