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Differently Wired Book Review

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Book Review for “Differently Wired”

Differently Wired, (affiliate link), explores the challenges of parents and caregivers raising kids who are developing outside the norm. Differently Wired is a very inclusive term, which can mean everything from learning disabilities, developmental delays, and Down’s Syndrome, to autism and/or giftedness. It’s basically any diagnosis that would result in kids thinking, learning, or behaving differently. It’s a book about changing our mindsets, for the better. To proudly stand beside our kids, to grow with them, to advocate for them.

Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World. By Deborah Reber

The author, Deborah Reber, spends the first section of the book laying out why we can no longer accept the status quo- both as parents and as a society- for our kids. She then goes into how we can shift our mindset, with “TiLTS” in thinking.

The TiLTS can mainly be grouped into the categories of: 1) letting your child be the wonderful person they are; 2) finding personal growth as a parent, and; 3) advocacy and how to deal with the world/school systems. Each of the 18 TiLTS is an easily digestible chapter, complete with pro-tips and actionable advice.

Differently Wired Is Beautifully Strengths Based

It’s (sadly) not often we hear the up-side of diagnoses like dyslexia (an amazing ability to rotate shapes and figures in your mind!) or any of the many other causes of being differently wired addressed in the book. But she insists on you- and others- seeing your child with their strengths first. She somehow also balances this with our need to sometimes grieve about the loss of the “typical” dream. But she doesn’t let you stay down for long! In fact, one of my favorite quotes from the book,

“Maybe, just maybe, a bad day is actually a good day in disguise.” (Page 131)

Differently Wired is written from the author’s perspective as the parent of a son with autism, giftedness and ADHD, and she leans heavily on her own experiences. But she does bring in plenty of other experts, and anecdotes from people in her community to help balance it. I do believe any parent of a differently wired child would be able to take something positive away from this book.

Who Should Read Differently Wired?

This book is primarily for parents and caregivers of differently wired children. It would also be a very worthwhile read for anyone spending a lot of time around these kids- like grandparents, teachers, or coaches. If you’re a parent of a typically developing child, it’s an interesting read to broaden your horizons, but it may not be “required” reading.

Do I Recommend Differently Wired: Raising Exceptional Children In A Conventional World?

Yes! I emphatically recommend it! To be honest, I had meant to quickly skim this book so I could get this review to you almost a month ago. But once I started, I couldn’t put it down quickly. It deserved to be read. Every. Single. Word. As a parent of 2 differently wired kids, this spoke to me personally, and to the balancing act between the ‘normal’ and differently wired worlds I occupy as their mom. Reber scoops you up, and lets you know you are not in this alone. And that’s the real power of this book.

Are there any parenting books you’re on the fence about reading, or would like me to review? Let me know in the comments below, and I promise to add them to the list!

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