Impulse Control Workbook PDF

This PDF of the Impulse Control Workbook for teens and older kids is designed for parents of teens with ADHD, to help them learn about how they function, and then providing directed activities for teens and older kids to develop their impulse control skills. This is an amazing tool to help any kid grow their self-control muscles! #Choosingyourbattles #ADHD #kidsmentalhealth #parenting #ADHDactivities #freeprintables

Help your teen or older kid learn the steps to developing better impulse control with this free workbook!

Living with Impulsive Kids?

So, you’ve been waiting for the day when your kid is in-tune enough with themselves to begin to take some real responsibility for their impulse control. And it’s finally here!

The only problem is that you have no idea where to get started.

Managing impulse control can look a bit like climbing a mountain when you’re getting started. It looks giant and imposing, and you might have no clue where to start.

But, just as with climbing a mountain, the path starts with putting one foot in front of the other. If you’re ready to start this journey with your kid, the Impulse Control Workbook is here to guide you!

I can’t promise it will be easy, but it will be sooooo worth it. Because the view from the top is amazing!

Who Is The Impulse Control Workbook For? 

The workbook was designed for parents with kids who are struggling with impulse control. In short, it’s for parents:

  • Who want to help their kid develop more control over their impulsive behavior
  • With children who may or may not have a diagnosis of ADHD
  • Who have a teen or older kid who is capable of recognizing their impulsiveness
  • With a kid who has an identifiable problem with impulse control (ie: there is a certain area(s) of their life where their lack of impulse control is causing a problem, like blurting out answers in class, or not listening to directions at home)
  • Who are dreaming of a more peaceful, cohesive home
  • Who want their teen or older kid to have the tools to succeed, in the classroom and at life
  • And, who are determined to make a difference in their kid’s life.

What’s In The “Impulse Control Workbook” PDF?

This 7-page workbook takes a 3 step process to help teens (and older kids) develop greater self-control. 


Section 1- Tips for Parents

The first section helps set the stage for you as the parent. In it, you’ll learn what it takes to become prepared to teach impulse control to your teen. The goal is to set you up for success, and reduce the amount of frustration and hopelessness you may feel on this journey.

Section 2- Life Skills 

Next, in the second section, impulse control is broken down by category. There are different life skills that every person needs to mature into an emotionally healthy adult, like delayed gratification and stress management. Looking at impulse control through this lens helps clearly identify your teen’s strengths and weaknesses. And once you identify the life skills they need to develop better impulse control, you can zero in on how to best help them.


Section 3- Impulse Control Activities for Teens (and Older Kids!)

Lastly, this leads us to section 3- activities for impulse control for teens. This section lists out simple activities that can lead to better self-control. It’s broken down by life-skill, so they can personalize what activities make the most sense for them to work on! 

Take a sneak- at this PDF of the Impulse Control Workbook for teens and older kids. Designed for parents of teens with ADHD, to help them learn about how they function, and then providing directed activities for teens and older kids to develop their impulse control skills. This is an amazing tool to help any kid grow their self-control muscles! #Choosingyourbattles #ADHD #kidsmentalhealth #parenting #ADHDactivities #freeprintables
Take a sneak- at this PDF of the Impulse Control Workbook for teens and older kids. Designed for parents of teens with ADHD, to help them learn about how they function, and then providing directed activities for teens and older kids to develop their impulse control skills. This is an amazing tool to help any kid grow their self-control muscles! #Choosingyourbattles #ADHD #kidsmentalhealth #parenting #ADHDactivities #freeprintables
Here are 2 “sneak peak” pages of the Impulse Control Workbook!

Further Reading

You might want to check out these other articles about impulse control, ADHD, and ways to make this challenging parenting journey a little more fun!

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Alexandria Cooper Parenting Help