Impulse Control Techniques PDF

The Impulse Control Techniques PDF is a free printable with 4 self-control activities for kids. Great for parents raising kids with ADHD, Autism and developmental delays!

Impulse Control Techniques PDF

Use the Impulse Control Techniques PDF below to jump-start your kid’s self-control and impulse control skills!

Although kids with ADHD are most associated with having a lack of impulse control, (and for good reason- it’s a defining factor of the diagnosis!) ALL kids need to develop their impulse control ‘muscles.’

Impulse control isn’t something that comes naturally to many kids. And it’s something we are still working on as adults! (Think about the last time you walked past the candy jar. Or how many times you can go into Target and ONLY get the things on your list. I’m just saying, the struggle is real.)

If you’ve noticed that your kid tends to interrupt, has trouble listening to directions, or generally seems to act without thinking, these are all signs of under-developed impulse control. But it’s never too late to help your kids strengthen those impulse control muscles!

Try Out The Impulse Control Techniques PDF

This free printable is a great place to begin. You’ll get new ideas for impulse control activities for kids- that you can do today! And you’ll have a place where both you and your kid can learn about how to recognize and label the feeling of impulsivity. That’s a critical step in learning to control impulses

This Impulse Control Techniques PDF is a free printable with 4 simple impulse control activities for kids. It will jump-start your kid’s self-control and self-regulation skills! Great for parents raising kids with ADHD, Autism and developmental delays! #choosingyourbattles

How to Use the “Impulse Control Techniques PDF”

You’ll notice there are 2 sections to this printable. The technique we’re using here is stunningly simple, but so effective. First, identify the problem. Second, put actions in to place to improve the problem. So let’s briefly go over each step!

1. Label and Recognize the Feelings

The first step here is to call-out and label what impulse control looks like in your kid’s life. By recognizing times when they are good at resisting impulses, and times that they are not, you can help identify their strengths and then carry those throughout the rest of their day.

2. Activities to Build Stronger Impulse Control Muscles

Now that they know what that impulsive feeling is, you’ll need to help your kid strengthen their impulse control muscles. Your kid needs a chance to slowly build up these skills. It’s not a light switch; self-regulation and self-control takes time to improve. But you can have fun getting there with these impulse control activities for kids!

Further Reading

You might want to check out these other articles about impulse control, ADHD, and ways to make this challenging parenting journey a little more fun!

11 Impulse Control Games You’ll Want to Play With Your Kids

ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder

Impulse Control Strategies for Kids

Impulse Control Activities for Teens

How to Teach Impulse Control To Kids

Impulse Control Activities for Kids: Teaching The Basics

Start Addressing Impulse Control Today

If you’ve been concerned about your kid’s impulse control, try starting with the activities on this impulse control printable. Get your FREE download by using the sign-up form below.