What I Stand For

Change your perspective. Think about what you stand for- not just what you stand against. #positivethinking #mindfulness #momlife

What do you stand for?

Last week, literally everyone in my house was sick with Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. There were 104 degree fevers, strep throat, and ear infections. If you’ve never had this plague sweep through your house, I pray it never does. It’s one of those horrendous bugs that lasts forever. It’s not some quick little 24-hour flu (although I’m not wishing that on anyone, either).

So, to cut to the chase, I spent a lot of time last week being stressed and then getting angry about the general situation, and then building on that with all those “and another thing!” thoughts, to create a truly delightful downward spiral. I’m sure I was a joy to be around.

BUT. Then I heard a sentence that literally turned everything around. “It’s easy to say what you’re against. But what are you for?”

“It’s easy to say what you’re against. But what are you for?”

I love the power of language.  What am I for? It was such a complete change of mindset! It stopped all the negativity in it’s tracks. I’ve been creating my list of all the parenting and family related things I’m for all week. I’ve been adding to it, and listening to what some of the other people in my life stand for, too. So, without further ado…

What do I stand for?

I’m for kids playing outside.

I’m for coffee.

I’m for sharing the opportunity to have a relationship with God with kids.

I’m for parents who know what they need to find balance in their families.

I’m for real-life parenting groups.

I’m for cloth diapers and laundry hanging outside.

I’m for getting outside your bubble, even- especially- if it makes you uncomfortable.

I’m for natural consequences.

I’m for small birthday parties.

I’m for finding educational moments in a kid’s daily life.

I’m for vaccinations and antibiotics.

I’m for organized sports, even if your kid isn’t athletic.

I’m for sweets in moderation.

I’m for kindness.

I’m for giving people the benefit of the doubt.

I’m for the truth.

I’m for writing in cursive.

I’m for letting each of your children be unique individuals, and only measuring them up to themselves.

I’m for doing your best, knowing it won’t be perfect.

I’m for giving yourself the grace to let some things go.

I’m for raising kids to become adults.

I’m for giving kids independence.

I’m for telling my kids “no.”

I’m for trusting my instinct.

I’m for finding a creative outlet.

I’m for teaching kids life skills, like cooking, cleaning and budgeting, before they move out.

I’m for parents who prioritize their spiritual, physical and mental health.

I’m for gardening and showing kids how food grows.

I’m for a messy, dirty, happy childhood.

I’m for giving kids everything they need, and only some of what they want.

I’m for visiting the in-laws.

I’m for kids learning how to swim

I’m for learning from each other.

I’m for teaching kids how to lose.

I’m for traveling the world with kids.

I’m for teamwork with your spouse.

I’m for working through the tough stuff with your spouse.

I’m for date night and leaving the kids with a sitter.

I’m for adoption.

I’m for diversity.

I’m for paying things forward.

I’m for celebrating that everyone is different, so everyone will find peace with a different type of parenting.

I’m for parents advocating for their kids because no one else knows them better, or will do a better job.

I’m for dads who are trying to continuously bring their A game.

I’m for naps.

I’m for hand-me-downs, consignment shops, and grabbing plastic toys with the ‘free’ sign on the tree lawn.

I’m for looking at the big-picture.

I’m for recognizing that this is a difficult and sometimes heartbreaking journey, and to pretend otherwise is a disservice.

I’m for letting go of the small things and enjoying the moment.

Change your perspective. Think about what you stand for- not just what you stand against. #positivethinking #mindfulness #momlife

It’s been an amazing exercise.

If you’re struggling at all to find your values as a parent, then I’d challenge you to do this. Seriously. Write it out. Share it with your spouse. Sift through it and figure out which ones carry the most weight for you. How much of what you are for actually makes its way into your life? If you’re not sure what to do once you identify your values, you can always start with my article on Parenting With A Plan. 

So, what are you for? I’d love to hear what you stand for in the comments below!