Disclaimer- although I am an Independent Marriage and Family Therapist, please understand I am not your child’s therapist, and none of what I say below should be construed as a diagnosis. If you have concerns about your child after reading this, I encourage you to contact your child’s pediatrician, school counselor, or local therapist as… Continue reading Top 10 Signs Your Child May Have Depression
Category: Parenting
7 Benefits of Therapy for Kids
As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to be happy and successful, and most of all, we want them to feel secure in themselves and their place in the world. But what do you do if your child is struggling? While many people are quick to suggest therapy as a… Continue reading 7 Benefits of Therapy for Kids
5 Ways to Teach Gratitude to Kids
Why Teach Gratitude to Kids? According to the Mayo Clinic it’s been shown that expressing gratitude is associated with a host of mental and physical benefits. Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity. Gratitude can also decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain and risk of disease. It’s a simple… Continue reading 5 Ways to Teach Gratitude to Kids
When Is My Kid Ready for a Phone?
How do you know if your kid is ready for a phone? This has been such an interesting generational shift! This was simply not a conversation our parents had, so it doesn’t come with the same sort of ability to look back and think, Oh, I’ll do it the way my parents did (or didn’t!).… Continue reading When Is My Kid Ready for a Phone?
Recovering From Caring For A Sick Kid
Caring for a sick kid is hard. But you know what’s even harder? Re-adjusting to regular life once they’re healthy again. There are a lot of things that we let slide when kids are sick. There’s more screen time. Popsicles for breakfast are totally ok. And we will drop everything to get whatever our kid… Continue reading Recovering From Caring For A Sick Kid
Kids Are Stronger Than You Think
Over the last couple weeks, I’ve seen a theme developing with the parents I work with. They’re afraid to let their kids be uncomfortable after being disciplined, and are struggling with watching their kids experience difficult emotions. My message to them is simply this: Your kids are stronger than you think. It’s OK for them… Continue reading Kids Are Stronger Than You Think
Raising Resilient Children
Raising Kids with Resilience and Self-Control I like to think of raising resilient children as the opposite of helicopter parenting. If we give kids space, we are showing our kids we have confidence in their ability to problem-solve and cope with tough situations. By teaching resilience, and allowing our kids to struggle that just-right amount,… Continue reading Raising Resilient Children
How to Fight Mom Burnout And Be A Happier Mom
How to Fight Mom Burnout, and Be A Happier Mom Again Mom burnout is real, and painful. And the fact that you’re burned out by your kids is salt in the wound. It can lead you down into continuous downward guilt spirals. It can steal your joy. Or worse, it’ll convince you that you were… Continue reading How to Fight Mom Burnout And Be A Happier Mom
Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences
I know I’m not the only one bracing myself for the worst when it comes to parent-teacher conferences. I love my kids, but there’s a certain amount of breath-holding and worrying about what the teacher is going to say about any one of my sons. “Mrs. Cooper, he’s that kid.” “He’s never quiet in class,… Continue reading Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences
How to Gain Your Kid’s Respect in 6 Easy Steps
Getting our kid’s respect can feel like the Holy Grail. So here are 6 straight-forward steps you can take to grow their respect for you.
Does My Kid Have ADHD? (What Else Could It Be?)
Does my child have ADHD or not? It’s no secret that kids are being diagnosed with ADHD in the US more and more frequently. Depending on which study you read, somewhere between 5-11% of children across the US are diagnosed with ADHD. And there’s been an increase of over 3% in just 8 years! BUT-… Continue reading Does My Kid Have ADHD? (What Else Could It Be?)
28 Fun & Easy Summer Activities {Free Printable}
Great Summer Activities for Kids = Great Summer Memories Kids laughing together with neighborhood friends, running through sprinklers, glasses of lemonade. Those are the images of summer I hope for. Needless to say, 2020 is going to be a little different. But kids still deserve to have a great summer full of wonderful memories- and… Continue reading 28 Fun & Easy Summer Activities {Free Printable}
How to Address Re-Opening with Your Family
And now re-opening, instead of shutting down, feels like a loss. A loss of leisure time. A loss of safety and sense of control. Even going back to familiar places, without the crowds, and with everyone in masks feels like a loss of normalcy. But most of all, a loss of time spent with people you love the most.
9 Tips to Help Kids Focus at Home
Helping Kids Focus at Home So you’re homeschooling a kid with ADHD now? Focus has always been hard to come by for them, but now it feels more imperative than ever that you are able to help your kid focus at home. The good news is that it IS possible to help them focus better… Continue reading 9 Tips to Help Kids Focus at Home
55 Activities To Do at Home with Kids (With Almost No Screens!)
Suddenly stuck at home with kids? Hear me out- I’ve always felt the role of “cruise director” is the most analogous to the lives of moms. We orchestrate everything- from figuring out what everyone is eating, to the schedule of activities for the day, to monitoring the sickbay. And now we’re going to have to… Continue reading 55 Activities To Do at Home with Kids (With Almost No Screens!)
33 Self Discovery Journal Prompts for Teens
Journaling is possibly the best tool there is for getting to know yourself better. It helps you slow down, and reflect on what’s been running through your mind. When you consolidate all those bits and pieces, it helps you discover the patterns and themes in your life.
Create New Family Traditions in 15 Minutes (Or Less!)
Why are family traditions so important? In short, because they anchor us. They take us from knowing to experiencing. They are one of the best tools you have to create that indescribable ‘sense of family.’
Start New Valentine’s Day Family Traditions (That Are Easy & Fun!)
Creating a Valentine’s Day tradition is an almost sure-fire way to make sure your kids remember the good things from their childhood.
24 Time Management Tools for Teens
Time management is such a critical life skill, but for many of us it may not come naturally. The good part is that it can be taught- at any age.
How I Use InstaCart To Choose My Battles
Remaining patient and present with my kids is an annual resolution (because there’s always room for improvement!). And one of the ways I try to accomplish this is by choosing my battles.