Choosing your battles. It’s the key to success.
Especially when raising challenging kids. We can’t win every fight. And we’ll drive ourselves absolutely crazy if we try.
There’s a certain point you reach when you have to just acknowledge that there are some things about your kids you can’t change. For better or worse. They have their own personalities, along with their own strengths and flaws. Why waste your life trying to tell a lion to act more like a zebra?!
We’re better off saving our energy for where we can really make an impact. For guiding them towards growth where we can. For advocating for them. And for finding a way to still live our lives to the fullest.
Raising challenging kids can push you to the absolute brink of your sanity. So, I’m here with the advice, support and encouragement you need to change what you can, and let go of the rest.
I know this is an exhausting journey. You’ll experience some amazing highs and some painful lows. I know this because I’m the mom of challenging kids, too. I’m also a Marriage and Family Therapist, and I’m passionate about helping you.
So dive in, soak up all the help you need, and know that you’ve got a friend on this journey with you.

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About Alex
I’m an Independent Marriage and Family Therapist, and have been counseling families, individuals and couples since 2007.